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Yeong P.O.V.

I woke up in the embrace of my two lovers, it was nice, but I had to get up to go to work. This was easier said than done, Ran's cologne and the soft touch of Ira's hand were practically begging me to stay in bed.

But, I, the great Yeong, managed to overcome this great temptation and I got out of bed. Another thing that made this harder was the pain I felt in my lower back, Ran certainly didn't go easy on me.

I walked out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen. I took out the cereals, milk, bread, butter and chocolate sprinkles. I put them on the dining table and opened the curtains. It was a sunny day and I was going to have to sit all day in my office, bummer.

While I was taking out some dishes out of the cupboard I accidently knocked something over. I picked it up and noticed it was an old classpicture, Ira, Ran and I were standing right next to each other, smiling. The longer I stared the more I remembered that day, the night before the picture was taken, we had had a sleepover at my house. That morning Ira had insisted on doing our make-up and she had chosen what we would wear. She had a great sense for fashion.

The face Ran had made when she had started the process, still made me laugh. He had been moving so much that I had to hold him in place, he was quite strong so he could have pushed me away with ease, but he didn't.

When Ira was done, he looked even better than normal, this had left me blushing. At that time, I had tried hiding my red cheeks, because we had not confessed to each other yet. Now I realise that they probably saw it, that would explain the knowing glances I had noticed between them.

After Ira left I gave him some make-up wipes, instead of accepting them he had taken both my hands between his and leaned closer to whisper something in my ear. I still don't know what he wanted to tell me, because my mom walked in and thought we were making out. Gods, that was an awkward breakfast.

After reminiscing those wonderful memories my eyes went to the people surrounding us, the smile that had previously appeared on my face, disappeared. I don't want to think about it right now.

I looked at the clock on the wall, I had two hours left before leaving for work.

What was I going to do, I wanted to do something with at least one of my lovers and cuddling wasn't going to cut it. Ira didn't like to have intense activities too early in the morning, while Ran loved it. However, Ira did like to watch.

Yeah, that should do.

I ran back upstairs to our bedroom.

"Time to get some dick."

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