1. Farewell hourglasses

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In the far reaches of distant realms,
Between lost worlds and times,
My dreams have spoken of you.

Away from mortal strife,
They whispered songs,
Of a knight untethered to quests,
A wanderer braving my labyrinths, seeking a way to my soul.

I embarked on a journey,
Across the vast hills of imagination,
Conversing with the moon,
And pondering about the depths of the sea,
Until I discovered you by the edge of a lake,
A blue flame seducing the red of my sins,
A minstrel without an instrument,
Plucking at the strings of my heart,
Making a portrait of an enigmatic foe.

Your gentleness, akin to an afternoon breeze,
Your silken voice and your divine touch,
Each etched into my memory,
A nameless face imprinted under my eyelids,
You courted me as if I were yours,
Forgetting my armor was not crafted for portraits.

A memory faded by time,
A trace of love washed by the waves,
You were the secret of my desires,
The spark in my eyes,
Inhabiting me with unknown smiles and Infinite caresses.

Marked by your scent,
The only farewell I ever sought, was a final dance beneath the diamond stars.

One step, then three,
Attempting to grasp at a ghost wearing the mask of my insomnia,
Twirling, your hands on my hips, mine around your neck,
Two doors to the unknown,
Two lightning bolts in chains.

Melody in the eyes, melody in our battles,
Coldness and calmness in our sharp words,
We were dedicated to silent symphonies.

You were the spring to my seasons,
And I was the autumn to yours,
A fragrant dream of orange blossoms,
And a nightmare with lavender scents,
In eachother embraces, we gleamed like two peacocks beneath a canopy of thorns and cherry blossoms.

Two steps, then five,
the grass ignited under our pace
The wind rose to the rhythm of our stride
Intertwined-like tendrils of smoke
And unraveling like two vines full of flowering thorns.

Bathed in the moon's benevolent glow,
Reminiscent to our untitled past,
Cheers to our forgotten memories,
For autumn and spring finally collided.

Sing and rejoice in their passion,
For soon fate will find new enchantments,
Soon these two vivifying flames will turn to ashes.

Cheer for their starry passion,
Celebrate and console them with smiles,
For soon they'll part ways,
Yet tonight, let them cross heaven's boundaries,
For this one night, let them burn bright,
Prisoners of goodness,
Desperate for freedom,
Applaud their torrid love,
For soon, dawn will extinguish their glow.

Pray for these two damned souls,
For even in paradise, they will not find their salvation, They will follow each other into the darkness of hell just for the pleasure of one last waltz.

Write of them, grant them a sweet ending,
Conceal their open chests and their mutilated hearts,
Adorn their tragedy with poetry,
Let their story live on in memories,
For oblivion will soon erase it all.

Offer them to the skies, only the stars will know how to take care of such sadness.

Admire them from afar and let them go,
Bound by all that holds this universe together,
They will find each other again and their bleeding will cease,
Let them burn!
Let them be intoxicated by the ephemeral,
For all that is beautiful has never known how to last.

To you, nameless warrior, she said, To you who took my hand and danced with me, damned as I was,
I offer you my heart and soul,
Forever carrying you within me.

Our dance ended in chaos and ruins,
You smiled at me but your lips lingered near the back of my hand,
We parted ways, storms still reflecting in your eyes,
With swords raised, we left on a note of war,
Promising to find eachother in another time,
To meet our fate anew,
Maybe this time we will know how to kill eachother properly.

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