Chapter 1

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                          As Apollo walked through the trees coming from his house leading to the sidewalk he started thinking of his life. His friend I_am_boi was a nice guy, probably one of his only friends other than Alex. Apollo was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a sturdy voice coming from the other end of the sidewalk. "Apollo did not expect to see you hear" The person shouted, Apollo recognized the voice immediately it was Boi.

"Oh hey Boi how's it going" Apollo replied, Boi was a pretty medium sized kid of course they were still in the freshman academy so neither of them were tall. Boi had long black hair, he wore a black and white striped sweater, he also had a pear of cargo pants on and he wore a pair of Black tennis shoes. They wore totally different clothes, Apollo had Black hair and he wore a Black t-shirt with Sweatpants and he wore a hoodie over the shirt with a ultrakill photo on it as well. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Boi replied to his earlier question, "good you Apollo?".

"Hm Oh, Good what you doing out here Boi '' Apollo said with a hint of surprise in his voice. "Taking a walk to school silly!" Boi replied and smiled at Apollo, "oh uh ok let's go together." "Sure thing but dont get amnesia its Wednesday Apollo'' Boi said, "Yea sorry got lost in my thoughts." "Its alright" boi replied, As they walked a Apollo felt a splat on his arm and looked up "oh crap." "wha-" Boi tried replying he saw the clouds and cut himself off. "I see it's about to rain" Boi frowned along with Apollo, Apollo frowned. He could have sworn he checked his phone this morning and it said it was sunny all day.

"I brought my umbrella, you?" Apollo asked, "I did" Boi replied. "good", As Apollo said that the rain started pouring, thank gosh he brought his umbrella he thought. When they arrived at the front doors of the school, Boi swung the door open like the world was ending "Come on let's go in right now! Apollo saw Boi's hair more wet than ever, he was glad they finally entered the warm interior of the school. As they entered a teacher walked by them and frowned "make sure you wipe your shoes on the mat" she said and then walked off. Apollo and Boi's attention were brought to a boy yelling both their names. There stood Alex, a boy that had blond messy hair and wore a green T-Shirt with a plaid blue and black jacket covering his arms, he had black jeans on and wore white tennis shoes.

"Hey you guys you're 30 minutes early" Alex said running up to them, "Yea we know" Boi replied with a sharp edge in his voice. "No need to be harsh" Alex said with a deep frown, "whatever" Boi had a glare on his face as he looked around at his surroundings. "What's wrong?" Apollo asked, "Nothing," Boi replied with a sharp tone in his voice, of course Apollo knew him better than that and did not believe him but left well enough alone for now. The long science was broken by Alex, "hey did you guys eat Breakfast?" "Apollo realized he hadn't eaten in 3 entire days of course he would never tell Alex that he would gut him from the inside out, he did not want another 3 hour lecture.

"nope" both Boi and Apollo said at the same time with the most deadpan expressions they could muster. Alex eyed them with suspension and Apollo but got a shiver up his spine but nonetheless Alex replied with a simple "ok let's go to the cafeteria." When they arrived, they got breakfast and sat down, so are you ready for the next meeting in the terraria club Alex asked. "yea" Apollo continued "did you hear the news about randy?" " "no not really" Alex replied a bit of alarm in his voice "everything alright with Randy?" "no not really he just got the flu during winter break, he's alright now though."

"Oh okay that's good then" Alex said, Randy was the leader of the Terraria club he was a nice guy taller than the rest of them he usually wears a black feather necklace, A white T-shirt and Gray sweatpants with boots, in Apollo's opinion Randy was full of himself, but nonetheless the rest of the group looked up to him so he didn't really care. "When's the next meeting" Boi asked bringing up the earlier topic of conversation, "Tomorrow" replied. "how was our guys winter break?" Apollo asked trying to fill the silence. "good" Alex said, "not that well" Boi said, "thats nice Alex But why was your week bad Boi?" Apollo said with question in his voice. "Eh Nothing that bad don't worry about it" "Well alright then" Apollo Said

"Guess what" Alex said breaking the silenced once more, "what" Apollo asked "There's a new girl her name is Elizabeth" "That's interesting as long as she doesn't bother us, where is she?" Apollo asked, he wondered what this new girl was like. "over there" Alex said, Apollo looked in the far end of the cafeteria by the large stained glass windows by the doors, he saw the girl in a matter of seconds. She had dark brown hair and had a ponytail. She wore a jacket with a star on it and had a Cyan T-shirt, she also had bright blue jeans and high heels. "Eh a bit to preppy" Apollo Observed "yea Probably is one of those popular girls."

Apollo realized the girl was walking over to them, "Excuse me you two my name is Elizbeth, Nice to meet you I know you like me already." Elizbeth said. Apollo frowned in disgust, then he realized the girl standing next to her. This girl had black hair and a Gray jacket, she had a black T-shirt and a pair of Brown cargo pants along with brown moosehide snow boots. Then suddenly fingers snapped in his face, "Excuse me, don't you dare look at my sister she is an asshole and no one likes her at all, anyway wanna join my club i literally just made." "no thanks I'm good" Apollo replied a harsh sharp tone in his voice, "why would you not want to join MY club" Elizbeth said a frown on her face bigger then the distance between the moon in back. "Whats it about?" Boi asked, "Well its a student council thing!"

"Then no thanks student council isn't really my thing." Boi said "Not mine either" Apollo continued after boi "I don't think Alex would like it either so none of us are interested." "ugg fine go to your corners and cry!" Elizbeth yelled like it where the end of the world and stormed off "weirdo?" Alex said a hint of confusion in his voice, "yep sounds about right" Boi replied to Alex's comment with that same confusion. Then Apollo heard a girls voice start to talk "excuse me, sorry about my sister she can be a bit, um crazy sometimes" The girl continued "My name is Hannah, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you" Alex said, surprised at the sudden occurrence of Hannah. "Nice to meet you and the rest of you guys" Hannah said with a smile on her face. "Nice to meet you too I guess" Boi replied, Apollo stayed silent instead shared a glance with Hannah which she noticed and nodded she knew exactly what he ment. After that the day went smoothly, eventually school was over after what felt like hours of worksheets and papers, and he finally got home. As Apollo opened the door he saw his mom Evelynn, her hair was tied in a perfect ponytail and she had a white sweater and black jeans on.

"hello Apollo, how was your day at school today?" She asked in that soft voice she always had when she calmed people. "It wasn't that bad" "How nice dear I'll get you dinner and you can go to your room." His mom said in a sympathetic and nice tone. After he got his dinner, went to his room and ate it, he decided to go to bed. Apollo was exhausted from the day. He had to do homework, but he decided to do that tomorrow.

He was just drifting off to sleep when he suddenly awoke, his eyes flew open. Did he hear what he thought he heard? He heard it again, that loud BANG, but it wasn't just any bang it was a gunshot.

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