Chapter 7 Hobby

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It is time to show Oswald, how to do some gardening, perhaps can be his hobby as well. He's honestly quite helpful around the house, but you knew that he had to have something else to do besides chores.After a while of shopping for some plants so that you can show Oswald what to do you headed back to your house.

Once you had returned he immediately came towards you as then, he noticed you were carrying something as they turned out to be the bags that you would contain plants seeds in. This honestly made him curious as also it has never seen anything like this before at least to him honestly, but it was interesting.

Soon after he started to become curious about these things, it was as if he had never seen them before but again he does have amnesia so you were going to give him the benefit of the doubt for this.When you finally had a chance to explain how this works as he is very interested in this as you also listen that he seem to like the radio. Perhaps you should get him one as a gift adding in something else as well.

Once everything is sorted out you soon told Oswald to follow you to the backyard as he did given the expression on his face. He was excited to see what was going to happen. Soon after going outside to the backyard, there was a grassy field, and there is also a sidewalk with some barbed wire fence.

There is also a garage there as well outside of the fence including some garbage cans, one black and one green.There is equipment in the garage as right next to the garage on the other side, there is a patch of dirt with another fence there.Soon you went to your garage while you told Oswald to stay and that's what he did when you came out you brought out the necessary equipment for gardening.This had honestly confused him as he doesn't know what any of this is, but he really wants to try it.You soon started to explain what exactly are you and him doing today.

"So today, Oswald, we are going to do some gardening as a hobby. As much as I appreciate you helping around the house you still need to do something else when it's all done."

"I guess you're right about that.But Prism what does this have to do with getting a hobby?"

You soon started to explain to him everything about gardening and what to do as it really interest him to do something like this.It is something that he seem to be interested in as he was curious about how are these vegetables grown. You saw how Oswald became fascinated by it as you decided to show him the basics after all.

Once you got ready to show him how to start gardening you did a demonstration as it is very simple to do.Soon after he started to follow as well as he did the best he could as then you got a good look at it as you were surprised it looked very well done. It impressed you know how much Oswald did that as you looked at him as it was clear he was impressed by it too in the way.After that is finished, you soon moved on to planting other seeds as you stopped at the one with lavender on it. That alone made Oswald stop to see it as he can't help but feel attracted to it.

"Oh! Are you interested in lavenders Oswald?"

" Is that what they're called? I guess so. I don't know why though however."

Then you soon began to explain to him about lavender being nature's version of a soothing scent to help you to sleep. As Oswald planted in some lavender, you noticed that there was probably time to head back into the house and relax calling it a day.When you and Oswald sat down at the living room table, talking about somethings as you soon learned about something interesting about your roommate.

Apparently when you mentioned radio, one time he seem to be very interested in it. As that seem to to be something to get for him as well as another thing as well, but you also seem to know this that there was some cyan, electricity emanating from him, apparently doesn't do anything to damage him so that wasn't concerned.He is simply not noticing it at all, though when he does, he can't help but feels somewhat confused by it like it felt natural for him to do it.

But he doesn't remember thanks to his amnesia as you told him that it was alright and not to be so frustrated with it. Because it won't help him at all if he keeps on focussing on the negatives as that did help Oswald to feel better. As when you ask him why he was so fascinated by the radio he says that he doesn't know why it was just something that he was interested by.Soon after that is finished with you also seem to discover that Oswald likes coffee as he tried to tell him that there's always a downside when you drink too much.

He became perplexed at that as you decided that was probably time to show him the internet soon as you showed him your computer. He became even more confused as if he has never seen one before. That honestly got you confused as well. How was that possible that Oswald didn't know what a computer is not to mention the entire internet.

Soon after you started up your computer as that honestly, surprised Oswald, as you were teaching in the basics of how to do things online.As then you started to teach him about the internet you discovered that he didn't even know the first thing of how to do this.It took about a surprising amount of hours until he figured out how to work the computer despite the many failures.

Though you don't want to talk about that.Then you started to realize that he reacted the same way when you showed him your computer it was as if he's never seen a modern phone before.This is honestly kind of be very difficult, but you were going to try and show him how to do it the best you can. Besides, it couldn't be that difficult could it?

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