Part 4

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Alton glanced at her, and then looked at me. "You know her?"



Stephanie and I answered at the same time. Alton laughed, and held out a hand to the teenage girl. "Nice to meet you, Miss Healer's best friend. I'm Alton."

Her eyes widened. "The evil wizard?" I braced myself for her to scream or run away similar to the prior "strong" people I had tried to recruit. Instead, she smiled with great relief. "THANK GOODNESS!"

"Huh." Alton seemed just as confused as me. "Never had that reaction before."

Stephanie in response pointed a group of monsters emerging from the nearby forest, heading towards us. "Can you guys lend a hand?"

I studied the new threat carefully. There were eight wolf like creatures, 5 feet tall with long horns, large jaws and rows upon rows of blood-stained teeth. They moved as a pack, snarling and howling as they closed in on their prey.

Alton shrugged nonchalantly at the sight, and pointed at me. "I'll help if she says it's okay."

"Great!" Stephanie sat up with difficultly, her armor hindering the movement, and placed her hands together in a praying gesture. "Please?"

I pushed up my sleeves. "Sure. I had some energy I wanted to get out anyways. Alton, you take the four on the left?"

He nodded in response and began chanting.

I faced the four beasts on the right with a thoughtful expression. One out of the group was larger than the rest, likely the leader of the pack.

**The Healer has activated wordless incantation. -300MP per use.**

The wolf monsters were racing closer. I sensed the end of Alton's chant coming and raised a hand, pointing.

**The Healer has cast Immobilization -10MP/sec while active.**

The three smaller wolves froze, tumbling to the ground. The larger stumbled, but shrugged off the spell, obviously having some magical resistance. I moved forward, going at my highest speed. If a spell won't work... I pulled a syringe out of my inventory. As I reached the leader. I saw Alton finish his chant out of the corner of my eye. A black flame surrounded the monsters he faced, burning them to ash.

**Alton the Great Evil Wizard is credited with 4 monster kills, awarded 160XP and +4 fame. You receive 20XP as a party member.**

The lead monster snapped at me as I leapt over its head, its teeth missing my arm my a hair. I jumped and straddled its back, grabbing its rough, stained fur in one hand, and plunging the syringe into the large muscle near its shoulder joint with the other.

**The Healer has used custom potion – Anesthetic. Patient is paralyzed and sedated for 3 minutes.**

The monster under me let out a groan and collapsed to the ground. Letting out a sigh of relief, I looked over at the smaller wolf monsters and reached out a hand.

**The Healer has cast Debridement x 3. – 60MP.**

Black blood spilled out from large wounds in their necks, pooling under the three bodies, soaking the grass beneath them.

**The Healer is credited with 3 monster kills, awarded 120XP and +3 fame.**

Now that the small fry are out of the way... I waved away the notification and pulled a scalpel out of my inventory, the small blade in my hand reflecting the bright sunlight.

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