Madeleine Miller

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Name: Madeleine Miller
Pronouns: She/Her
Orgin: TTRPG character (original system by my friend)
Universe: East of Eden (Lovecraftian apocalypse in 1920s New Orleans)
Age: 23
Race: human
Occupation: musician (jazz singer)
Hobbies: jazz singing, saxophone, other instruments
Alignment: neutral good/ true neutral

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(The first song is what I imagine her voice to be like)


Madeleine Mae Miller was born to two middle class parents March 9th, 1900.

She had always been gifted musically-her parents often joked she sang her first word rather than spoke it- and always seemed to be humming a tune no matter what she did.

She was a very happy and outgoing young girl, friends with almost every person on the street, young or old. She could get a crying kid to smile and make even the most stoic businessman laugh. By the age of seven, she had already formed a tight nit group of friends on her block.

There was Evelyn, whom Madeleine waved at through a window everyday when she was newly six until the mysterious girl finally came out to play. Evelyn was more reserved than Madeleine was, everything she said was important or made everyone around laugh. Evelyn had a way of telling stories that made enthusiasm tangible, though she would never admit it herself. She was about a year younger than Madeleine (10 months to be exact) and was born into a somewhat better off family, though by no means rich. She had dirty blonde hair that was usually styled in two pigtail braids, and brilliant grey-blue eyes.

Then there was Thomas. Thomas lived across the street and ran into Madeleine-in the literal sense of the word-one day while playing monkey in the middle with his 4 older brothers. Thomas had black hair and kind brown eyes. He was incredibly gifted academically, however he was broadly built and taller than the rest of the group. He wasn't awkward at all on the outside, and seemed like the coolest guy strolling around in a sleek leather jacket (which their friend group may or may not have found in a dumpster). That was until you got to know him and he talked your ear off about the newest accomplishment of the wright brothers and their patent war. He was a gentle giant obsessed with bits and bobs of information and materials.

Then there was Jack. Jack was Madeleines next door neighbor and the first kid she became friends with. They were inseparable since the moment they met at just five years old. Jacks family was  slightly worse off than Madeleine's, though still middle class, and lived directly next to them. He had straight dark brown hair and hazel eyes that seemed to almost sparkle with excitement. Jack could turn anything into a game, he had a sense of wonder and adventure that rivaled Madeleine's own. Jack only ever called Madeleine "Maddie Mae" despite Madeleine's constant protest against the name ("I don't go around calling you Jack Finley O'Neil now do I?"). Though, over time, she did grow to tolerate the nickname, almost liking when he called her it, though she would never tell, sticking her tongue out at him whenever he used it. Jack had 2 younger sisters, and was 1 year older than Madeleine, a fact he made sure to remind her of often, pointing out how he was more mature. Despite how much they annoyed and teased each other, they truly cared about each other at heart.

The four kids were extremely close, hanging out everyday after school and on the weekends as-well. They were an unlikely bunch but they were always there for each other, and that's what matters.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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