The First Appearance of Dimensions Chaper 1°

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" Welcome to the world of stickfigures, but after we start all the drama story, there will be parts that will be connected with our main character and from other universes, so pls enjoy and have fun on readying, I will try to post as much as I can "

Many years ago, when the universe was starting to be created. An explosion happened in the void of darkness.
A strange figure appeared from that explosion and when he open his eyes, he looks around and understood he was in the void.
The figure looked around, with curious but didn't had nothing around him. So he on his mind, decided to creat a world where could have life and colours, or even more then it, so with his hands created the universe as we know, galaxies, planets, nebula, stars and more...
He decided to call himself as Mr.Neptoon been the first Supreme Dimensional God of all existence.

That time didn't have time so was difficult to know when or what day he was, so didn't knew how old he was or even how long he was here around the void, but only knowing his name and about his powers, he asked himself but couldn't get the answers.

As time passing, finally appeared time, he created the first clock by using his power of creation, so he finally could know what time is it and how many days or years passed. But suddenly a strange light appeared in front of Mr.Neptoon. He looked closely to see what was happening, from the light, came out 2 orbs stars, that were flying to his direction. One of orbs was dark as darkness of death and the other one, was light as lightness of life.

They flew to him and when they got closer, the 2 orbs stars started to shine as they got their own  forms but only one got his body, meanwhile the other one was hidden in the darkness of shadows. He could see that they were just babies and really cutes. Mr.Neptoon was shocked to see them, but he smiled of happiness to have some company, after all this years that passed. He then thought and started to talk to himself.

Mr.Neptoon: hmm... the small baby light, will be called as Henry. That for me, represents more a good person that like to protect other and showing his emotion of kindness, wile the baby darker... I guess will be called as Drakows. That represents more a shy personality and like to hide who he truly, scared of been rejected, but might have a good heart inside as him...

Then he decided to make himself as the oldest brother of those 2 little babies.

Years passed like days and those 2 babies had grown really fast then he couldn't imagine. Henry finally unlocked his abilities of light, wile Drakow still hidden in the darkness and sad for he still couldn't awake his powers, but Henry was there alwyas for him, and one day Drakow after been in the inside of the darkness for a long time, he finally got a form and at the same time, unlocking his abilities of darkness. He was supper happy and have finally a hug on his brother, as Mr.Neptoon just glaring at them.

The 3 brothers created life and more then someone could imagine about the universe, ofc had darkness parts and creations was created like the black hole, destruction and eliminating of planets, but all this was a part of a new life and the balance of dimension.
Mr.Neptoon decided to create something new. So he and the 2 brother created the first 3 humans-gods.
One of humans-god was a boy and other 2, were girls. The boy's name was Cyrus and one of the girls was named as Olivia that was oldest, and the youngest girl was named as Melody.
Mr.Neptoon and other decided to creat a small land for them. To have a place to live. They observed them, to see what will happen next.

The humans-god were in that small land where they started to know each other better but had one problem, Olivia liked so much Cyrus but he didn't felt the same way because he was in love with Melody and either to her. So Cyrus and Melody started to been together and been called a couple... Olivia didn't liked it at all so she fly away from the place and go to the gods, asking for them if they could creat another man for her, but they rejected. Olivia with anger yelled at them and left form that place for ever. They didn't cared too much and just watched the couple, waiting for what they gonna do next...

30 years passed and now they had 2 kids, one of the kids was Dave and other one was a girl called Ana. The 3 brothers decided to make some rules to the family, that they needed to follow... The idea that came from them, it was about to make the difference of the gender and different types of activities that they would had to follow, to have distinct between a male person and a female.
Melody was supper one of the types that liked to obeyed their creators and always do what ever asked to her, wile to Cyrus wasn't the same, and sometimes didn't listen to his creators and preferred to make in his own ways.

As time going, Dave was having more attention and happier life, with more freedom that anyone could wanted, but for Ana it wasnt the same. Her mother always made her to have a painful life and try to manipulate her, to be more feminist form, forcing her to wear pink clothes and some things that girls love to do this days (real life).
Ana hated it and always fight with her mother, Melody sometimes even slap her or hit her to have a lesson. Cyrus, tried many times to stop her wife but he couldn't do nothing about it bc he needed to follow the rules, after been punished from them, and bc if he tried to stop her, she could just tell to them and punish Cyrus again for disrespect them and the rules again, so he only could ignore and give to more attention to Dave, even he wanted to show some love to his own daughter.

When Ana was 12 she ran away from the home and went to a small playground, that Cyrus has made for Dave and Ana, but Ana never had time for it. She sit down on the swing and started to cry, dropping tears and feeling under for been treated like it, wile her brother in a different way... she cried and said:

Ana: WHY ME!!! Why need always be me! I don't like this... I hate this... why mom is-is being so bad to me!!! I-I didn't do nothing w-wrong to have this... *continued to cry and feel depressed*

But suddenly a strange figure really tall, appear behind Ana and sit next to her.

??: hello little kid, why are u crying? Something happens to u?

Ana looked at him with no fear, but still dropping tears and sounds of sobs.

Ana: my mom is a-again hitting me for-for not doing the right things that she wanted me to do, to be more f-feminist... I don't like be a girl... I want to be loved and... and-...

??: and have more time to be with ur dad and brother? Well... i understand all that suffer that u are passing throw... hmm... how about we make a deal? I promise u... that this deal will really help on ur life, but I just want to warn u. When u will accept it, u might get a curse that maybe or never will get away from u...

Ana looked down and then again to him, asking:

Ana: w-what is the deal?

He showed hapiness and said

??: I will give u a life where u will get some love, power and... immorality... but in exchange... that in the future u will suffer and see people dying, losing all those people who u loved or u had connection with u, but dw it won't be alwyas like it... so do we have the deal? Hmm..?

Ana looked at him as he was extending the hand. Ana looked at him again and then... she accepted the purpose and shakes his hand, the person smiled as a lines appeared around their hands,then hugged her, as his eyes shinned with blue colour. Then, the person stood up and started to walk away

Ana: w-wait but... what is ur name?

Person looked at her

??: I am Drakow... was nice to negotiate with u... see u soon little kid *he disappears on the darkness*

Ana look at him, disappearing and started thinking in her minds, what will going to happen next...

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