Unwanted Guest Chapter 3.5°

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Violle was walking throw the corridors, looking around and see if have any map to know where to go. While walking he noticed a strange corridor really dark, he didn't remember that in cameras had this corridor, so he decided to go throw that corridor, with curious.

V: I don't think that this corridor is so scary, if it was scary might had guard or military guarding here, right?... wait why I am talking to myself... meh

As walking, he noticed it was getting darker and darker, as no one was there he decided to use his ability to create a lamp and illuminate that place, but when he did it, Violle noticed a lot of blood on the floor and some broken walls.

V: oh damn... looks like someone got into a fight... but it might be something really big and strong..

Saying it while looking around the place. He sight and continue to go front. Could be hearing his own footsteps, as the smell of blood started to get bigger and some bodies of militaries and some other people getting more, some were exposing their own organs and bones. Violle got disgusted of what he looking at, he really wanted to throw out but he still had the mask on his head, he took a breath and continued to walk.


As the time go, Violle found a metal door, he looks closely and realise was the same door he aaa in cameras, means he finally was where is the crystal he needed. He smiled and git happy but still thinking what happened to this place.
As he looked at the door, Violle gets closer and tried to open, but ofc it didn't open so go decided to use force. He raise his hand and points to the door, and suddenly he use Orb and make it with a big temperature more then 100°, making the metal melt faster, and in a minute he made a hole in the metal door, making he get inside.


When Violle gets inside the room, he noticed the crystal. He looks around but there was no one, so started to walk towards the crystal as the crystal started to shine even more, looks like he was calling for Violle. Violle's face looked like was under the control, as his eyes shined with blue colour.

After seconds Violle was now in front of it, the glass that was covering around the crystal was transparent making the light of crystal shine harder, looked like was glimmering. He reached his hand front, to catching the glass. Use the power Decay and destroy easily the glass turning into dust. Now the crystal was out, Violle grabbed the crystal gently and looked at it, turning around and closer.

V: that's... so shiny... I... I need it

The he shakes head, realising that the crystal had a power to manipulate of jealousy to everyone, he decided to put the crystal an a small bubble that he created, makinf it smaller and putting it on the pocket. Violle sigh and turned around to go away, but when he did that he saw a lot of SF with armour pointing at him, he raise his hands up as the leader of the group go in front of him.

The person gets closer to V, making V feel a little scared bc of it. He looks at his shirt, that had his name "Antone"

A: well well well, and who we have here? A traitor from his own group? Hmm that interesting...

Antone walks around him and glaring how short he was and the military armour he was using

A: how about u give me the crystal... and I will spear your life... I am sure u will give it after all... u all alone here... hehehehe

Violle looked at him, he didn't knew what to do, or to fight them or give the crystal. He couldn't give the crystal bc he needed it for Drakow, then Violle got a plan and sigh

V: alright... I'll give it... but after I give I wanted to ask u one question

A: and what is it?

V: what is 3 x 6?

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