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Full name: Polarity 
Nickname: Alien, (some) Freak, (some) inhuman abomination, (Few) Nori, (only 2)
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Species: a type of interstellar modified dragonoids called Noritraxians 
pronouns: She/they
Height: 6'7
Weight: 178 lbs 
Sexuality: Pansexual

Full name: Polarity Nickname: Alien, (some) Freak, (some) inhuman abomination, (Few) Nori, (only 2)Gender: FemaleAge: 27Species: a type of interstellar modified dragonoids called Noritraxians pronouns: She/theyHeight: 6'7Weight: 178 lbs Sexuality:...

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not mine, pretty sure it's a mobile game character))

Features: shown
Personality: Witty, sarcastic, and kinda a pain to deal with. She can get clingy to people and attach to people emotionally. She loves making gifts for the people she likes. she bites those she doesn't like
Abilities: Pyrokinesis, Flight, enhanced durability, Temperature immunity (can't overheat or get cold), surface-level telepathy. Superheated claws. night vision.
Origin: She was originally found on the surface of Venus as a ling, then brought back to the earth and researched, causing heavy scaring over her chest, she finally broke out after torching many of the scientists, due to the research it hurts whenever she uses her fire powers.
Likes: Marshmallows, Hugs. pets on the head, snuggles, being close to fire. 
Dislikes: being alone, needles, eye damage. coffee, doctors. 
fears: doctors, needles, and being alone
Trauma: a lot that relates to being cut open. 

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