Part 7

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Your boyfriend didn't want you to know about what happened that night.

But somehow you found out as always.

But how did you find out?

And by who?

You found out days later what had happened the day your ex was supposed to be dead.

He isn't really the type to keep

Especially because he works for your boyfriend.

He's supposed to tell your boyfriend everything, and what goes down in and out of the house.

But Somehow it made him feel guilty in a way.

Assuming he just couldn't help the

So he did what he felt had to be done.

Who might've told you?

It's kinda obvious now.

Your boyfriend's assistant, his right hand man.


Whatever you wanna call him, at this point.

He told you.

He didn't describe in details everything that happened.

But your heart sunk, you went

And thanks to his lose lips, he told you.

He couldn't keep this "secret" inside of him.

But how is your boyfriend gonna feel about this?

How is he gonna feel knowing his
bestfriend betrayed him?

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