Chapter one

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🥀Alessandro 🥀

Writing has never been my expertise. I don't even know who i'm writing to, I guess no one. 

There's no point in this letter, just to let out some feelings. No one even has to see this letter, it's just a ten minute break for me to let go. Just ten minutes, that's all i'm giving myself. Then, I have to go back to being the strict mafia boss that has no emotions and only lives to work. 

Only ten minutes.


As I sit by myself in my room I wonder why no one likes me.

I guess i'm to clingy but its not my fault. That's why I got a pet bunny! I named her Coco, there's no reason behind it I just thought it was cute. 

The last time I had a friend it lasted two days before she blocked my number. I don't know what I  do wrong, but if people don't like me for the way that I am I guess I'll just never have any friends. And yes, that may be dramatic but, i'm not going to change everything about me just for a person.

I made a promise to myself a long time ago that no matter what I would never change fir anyone. So far, I have kept to that promise.

I quickly grab a jacket before making my way outside. The mail just came by and I want to see the new rug I got for Coco. She's always uncomfortable sleeping on the tiles floors and the couch is too high up for her to sleep on. I don't want her to fall and die.

As I open up my mailbox the first thing that I look for is the package that holds the new rug. But, before I can look one of the envelopes falls to the floor. I sigh and pick it up. I flip it over to see where the envelope is from, and to my surprise the dress says its from the Rossi mansion.

What? Confusion racks my brain as I walk down my small driveway and into my house. I set everything else down and open the envelope. Fancy handwriting covers the paper top to bottom...I guess I should read it.

Dear No-one,

Life is difficult, ruling a mafia is even more difficult. I have no idea how to interact with anyone anymore, and I can't even tell who's the enemy and who's not. My own father hates me, and my mother expects more from me. She expects me to randomly find the perfects woman out of nowhere, marry her, and produce heirs. But, the truth is I haven't even touched a single person in two years. And, two years ago it was my father I touched, when I yanked his hand away from my mother before he hit her again. Everything's falling apart. My own people are betraying me, because once upon a time ago my brother and I used to get along. Scratch that, we tolerated each other. Then, one single family dinner ruined everything. Now, I'm in a full blown war against someone who is supposed to be my family. But, my ten minutes is up and I must go back to being a mafia boss now.                                                                                                                                                         Sincerely, Alessandro.

Who in the world is Alessandro? And why would he send me a letter this personal...Maybe it was meant to go to someone else...Oh lord, what if I just read something I wasn't supposed to? I check the back of the envelope again, just checking that I'm not going totally crazy...The same address continues to stare back up at me. Well okay then? I walk into my room to grab another envelope. I quickly write a letter back before putting it back in the mail.

Dear Alessandro,

I am so sorry but I think that you sent this letter to the wrong person...I have no idea who you are, and I am so sorry for reading anything that I shouldn't have in the letter. You seem really nice though, and your kind of going through a lot so I offer my candolenses...Did I spell that correctly? Condolences* Sorry I'm not good with grammar. You are though, your handwriting is amazing by the way. Sorry for wasting your time, and have a great life Mr. Alessandro.                            Sincerely, Lily.

Okay, I really hope that sounds okay. Except for the part where I spelt condolences wrong I think I did great. I lick the seal of the envelope before putting in the to-go box on my mailbox. I hope he doesn't get mad about accidentally sending me that letter instead of someone important. I hope I didn't ruin the letter either. 

*One week later*

One thing I was not expecting was a letter back.

Ive been staring at it for three hours now...Do I open it?

Shyly I reach out to grab the letter, I tenderly tear it open before taking out the letter. I smile slightly when I see the exact same handwriting. So...Does this mean he isn't mad?

Dear Lily,

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