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━━━━━Zack Lee goes on a date with Y/n

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Zack Lee goes on a date with Y/n.

It was a sunny day, surprisingly. Considering the harsh rain storms over the past week, it was refreshing to Y/n to be able to finally see the clear skies. Plus, they had been wanting to go out.

Especially with a certain someone.

After some gazing off of their balcony, Y/n sat down on the chair that was in the corner. They quickly went onto their phone, noticing the message they had received from their lover.


Zack > Hey, I headed off to the gym. Make sure to eat breakfast :)

Y/n couldn't help but giggle slightly at the message, especially with how caring Zack sounded in it. That said, they responded.

Y/n > I did, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout later tho? The weather seems perfect. (ノ´▽`)ノ



Y/n sent the message and got up from their chair, heading back into their room. Assuming that Zack was going to say yes, Y/n figured it would be best to get ready ahead of time. They did tend to take forever when it came to clothes..

However, after about twenty minutes had passed, Y/n didn't seem to care after going through about five different outfits? They couldn't exactly settle on something. It was certainly frustraing but they quickly got a reminder of their time limit when hearing a beep sound. It was a notification.


Walking over to the bed, Y/n checked their phone seeing that Zack had responded.

Zack > Sounds good to me, how about around 4:00 pm if that works?

Y/n > It does!! Let's meet up at the park! ٩(๑^o^๑)۶

Zack Lee 💗 this message.


Putting their phone down with a smile on their face, now Y/n realized they were being timed. They sighed before picking out something appropriate for the warm weather, leaving it at that. Afterwards, they tended to their hair & such making sure to keep track of time.

With an hour having passed by, Y/n finally was on their way towards the park. Excited was an understatement. They definitely felt a bit of anxiety lingering in their stomach, but tried reassuring themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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