Chapter 1

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Thursday July 29 2:30 pm
Ayla pov
"Hey beautiful. Do you want to go on a date after work tonight?" My boyfriend of 3 years and boss, Namjoon asked me when I got to work.
"I'm sorry handsome. I can't tonight. My cousin is coming over to stay with me for a few days. He should be there at 7 and I wanted to have dinner ready when he got there," I said and he smiled.
"That's okay. You spend time with your family. We can go one day after he leaves," he said and I smiled.
"Thank you for being understanding about it. I will make it up to you. I promise," I said and he smiled.
"Now get to work before I fire you," he said jokingly and I giggled.
"Yes sir," I said and saluted and started to walk away but got pulled backwards.
"I think you are forgetting something," he said and tapped his cheek.
"Oh. I'm sorry," I said and pinched his cheek.
"Yah! That's not what I want," he said and I smiled.
"My bad," I said and kissed him on the lips. "Better?"
"Much. Thank you," he said and I walked to the back.
My job is to be one of the care takers for the animals at a pet store. I honestly really love it. We sell dogs, bunnies, ferrets, and my favorite of all, cats. Once I set all of my stuff down in the break room I headed to the dog room. When I went into the playroom a lot of the dogs ran over to me and I pet them. "Hi guys!" I said as they jumped up. "Y'all ready for dinner?" I asked and I saw a bunch of ears perk up. "Alright let's go outside pups."
After I took them outside to go to the bathroom, I brought them back in and put them in their kennels. I then went and prepared their food. When I finished with food and water, I headed to the room where the bunnies are. They were all already where they needed to be so I didn't have to do much. They all stay together without cages so they are really easy. I fed all of them and loved on them and went to the ferret room. Recently we had a 4 babies come in and we got to name them. The one I got to name was an albino ferret. I named it Malfoy. As soon as I walked in he ran over to me and crawled up onto my shoulder. If there were any I would take home with me it would be him. He is the one I bonded the most with. When I finished in there I headed to the cat room. I love it in there because of the design and of course because it's cats. It has a bunch of scratching posts, a few couches and pet beds, multiple feeding stations, litter pans, and play equipment. It just brings a calm feeling to me. I sat with all of them for a little while after I fed them then I cleaned out their litter boxes and I went back to the dog kennels to get all of the empty bowls to wash. After I finished washing the dishes I went into Namjoon's office and sat on the couch with his dog. His dog's name is Kim Moni. He is really sweet and good with other animals. Even my cat. My cat's name is Min Suga. He is a Russian white. One of their characteristics is that they don't easily make new friends with strangers but he was fine with moni. For some reason he doesn't really like Namjoon though.
"Hey babe. I was just about to come look for you," he said and I smiled.
"Am I in trouble sir?" I asked mischievously.
"We've talked about this. Not when we are at work," he said and sighed.
"Sorry babe. Now why were you coming to look for me?" I asked and he smirked.
"Never mind. You don't deserve it if you're being naughty," he said and I sighed.
"Oh no. Tell me please," I said and looked at him pouting.
"No. I don't think I will," he said and I smirked.
"Alright. To bad. I guess I'll just get back to work," I said acting mad. I got up and turned towards the door.
"Ayla. I was just kidding," he said and I smirked then fake frowned and turned around to look at him.
"No. It's okay. You are mad at me. I will just go back to work," I said pouting.
"I'm not mad! I'm sorry. I was just joking. I'll tell you," he said and I laughed.
"I was joking too. Now what was it," I asked and went over to sit on his desk in front of his chair.
"I'll tell you but stop being flirty. I can't handle it right now," he said and I giggled.
"Two things. Number one, you wouldn't be handling it. I would be," I said and winked at him who blushed then continued, "Number two, it was your friend that taught me to be like this."
"Alright I didn't know Jackson would teach you all of that. And I'm done. I was going to ask you if you wanted to go home early today so you could relax a little bit before he gets there," he said.
"Really?" I asked and he nodded. "Awww. That would be awesome."
"Then go. I want you rested well. And you better not even think about coming to work while he is here," he said and I smiled.
"You do realize that I'm 23? I can take care of myself but thank you. I'm going to let the dogs out one more time and make sure they have water then I will go," I said.
"Alright. Do you want me to come help you?" He asked and I shrugged.
"It's up to you. If you want to you can," I said and he nodded.
"Okay. I will. I wanted to get out of my office anyway," he said and I kissed him then we started walking to the door. "Come on Moni."

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