Before Season 1

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After I hear someone calling my name, I appear in front of an almost done construction site on the north side of the island. It looks to be a tall tree house. I turn and give a 'really' look to Simon Masroni and Claire Dearing. I ask, "What did you two want?"

Simon said, "We wanted to show you what is going on. That's all."

Claire said, "This will be turned into a camp called Camp Cretaceous. When fully up and running, we estimate to have the camp house 500 kids and 150 staff at a time. In a week's time, a group of six campers, with two counselors to supervise."

I repeat, "I mean why did you two call me here? I have known about the camp for a long while now."

Simon says, "I only ask for you to watch the first group for a while."

I give them another look. I say, "As much as I would look over the kids, I am dead. Have been for a while. What do you two expect from me? No, don't answer that. I have an idea about how to watch over them. So tell me how squeamish do you think these six children are?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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