Part Six

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My first week working for FC Barcelona has been wonderful. With the help of Sarah and Miguel I had started to understand how things work around here.

I even had a bunch of my photos uploaded of the boys training.

Today was Monday which also meant that after tomorrow I was to travel to America with the team. I was scared to say the least. I had a lot of pressure riding on my back.

I had to prove I was worth taking a risk of considering my age.

It wasn't normal for people to hire younger photographers and even ones who are still attending collage and are only interning.

They usually looked for ones with experience and who are much older. So when Barcelona took this gamble on me I had no other choice but to constantly prove myself.

That also meant no distractions. I had to keep my focus.

It was currently 3pm and I was sat at my desk editing a few photos to send over for approval to post.

With everyone in media getting ready for America it was very chaotic. Cameras where being charged and packed for the long trip, that excluded personal cameras some of us where to bring.

Ideas where being thrown everywhere during the meeting which made us come up with a few videos and challenges for the players to do while in America.

Our first destination was San Francisco. We leave on the 18th and would get there on the 19th which is a Wednesday according to the calendar I was given.

Since it was  Monday i needed to go home today and pack everything I needed. I had gone out with Mia on Saturday and bought a few necessity's. All I had to do was pack everything and hope I didn't forget anything.

I hadn't even realized the clock hit 5 when I finally wrapped up all the editing and sent the photos over.

Turning off my computer I put all my stuff inside my bag and headed out as I said bye to everyone.

"Sarah wait up" I heard a man's voice behind me.

Turning around I was met by Miguel. "Did you need something?" I asked Miguel giving him a questioning look.

"Ya actually I was going to ask if you wanted to come to the club with us tonight. Everyone's going to be there since where leaving for America and I think even some players." Huh thats weird why am I just hearing about it?

"Um I'll see if I can come I'm still pretty busy with packing" I said.

"Ya of course can I give you my number incase you decide to go so I can send you information?" Miguel added.

"Ya sure" I said as I grabbed his phone and put in my number.

"Well hopefully I see you tonight, bye Sarah!" He said enthusiastically as he turned around and went back to his office.

Weird guy.


"And you didn't say yes!" Mia semi shouted as she stood infront of me.

"Well I thought I was going to be busy" I said as I sat down on my bed.

"So let me get this straight. One of your coworkers invited you to go to the club where some of the players and people you work with are going to be there and your not going?" Mia added as she flopped onto my bed.

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