chapter 37

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Scarlets POV-

It's been almost a week since I got out of rehab. I've been doing well and I found a therapist that I like and we get along which is something that is usually unusual for a lot of people. I've been making music in my apartment since I have a guitar and a piano but I haven't gone to the studio yet.

A knock came at my door and I got up to see Olivia and Gracie.

"Hey, come in." I said smiling at them.

"okay we need help well I need help since I don't know what to wear for the Grammys and Gracie needs help too and you know fashion so like help, please?" Olivia said with her arms crossed.

I looked over at Gracie and she shook her head rolling her eyes which made me smile.

"Liv don't you both have like I don't know stylists?" I said looking at her.

"well yeah but like okay fine I have a question." she said.

"Yeah I know what is it?" I said laughing.

"She wants you to walk the red carpet with us and conan." Gracie said.

I nodded my head and looked down thinking. I know I just got out of rehab so paparazzi will definitely make some headline about it and seeing me at the Grammys.

"You can leave right after and I promise to not drink or anything near you-" Olivia said earning a smack in the arm from gracie.

I laughed at the way Gracie looked at her.

"Thank you liv but you can drink in front of me it's fine. I'll go I just obviously won't go to the after party." I said.

Olivia jumped up and down and then hugged me.

2 days later..

I looked at myself in the mirror as I wore my black suit. I unbuttoned the first two buttons to my shirt and then put my watch on along with this gold necklace that my stylist picked out for me.

"Sabrina and Mia are here in the living room, want me to send them up?" my manager asked.

"i'm ready so we can just head down." I said.

I walked down and they looked beautiful. I love having pretty bestfriends.

"Oh my god can we get married?" I said walking up to them.

They looked at me and laughed rolling their eyes and then hugged me.

"We better go so we make it on time to the red carpet. It's raining and traffic is horrible." Sab said.

We all ran into the car that was waiting for us and made our way to venue where they held the Grammys.

We're now walking the red carpet and Gracie, Olivia, and Conan are with us.

"Scarlet! can we get you for a quick interview?" an interview said, a woman.

"yes of course! hi!" I said walking over to her.

"hi! so how are you feeling tonight? you're here with the big friend group and Gracie and Olivia are both nominated." she said smiling.

I looked up at her and smiled thinking of Gracie.

"I'm good thank you for asking and yes they both are and I couldn't be more proud of them." I said smiling.

"It's your first event coming out of rehab, how are things now?" she asked.

I looked up at her raising my eyebrows. Why would she ask that? especially on the grammys red carpet? I would expect that from paparazzi but not an interviewer from Vogue.

"Hi i'm sorry but we need to get to our seats. Come on scar." Gracie said, taking my hand gently.

I walked away with Gracie and just walked with my head down as we entered where our seats were. Once we found our seats, we all talked until it started.

"are you okay?" gracie whispered in my ear.

"yeah i'm okay." I said smiling at her.

"And the best new artist goes to Gracie Abrams!"

"And the best new album of the year goes to Olivia Rodrigo!"

Once the grammys were over I walked them over to their car because they were going to an after party at conans house.

"are you sure you don't want me to stay with you? it's okay." Gracie said hugging me.

"no no this is your big night so please go have fun and if anything call me. I'm so so proud of you and you deserve this more than anyone." I said smiling at her.

She nodded and kissed my cheek.

I opened the car door for her and let her get in and then told Olivia congrats and bye to conan and their driver drove away.

It's now been 2 hours since the grammys. Gracie has texted me to just let me know shes okay but I told her to just have fun and that i'm okay but the truth is, i'm not. On the way home I stopped at a gas station near my apartment to grab some snacks but I found myself in the liquor isle and bought a bottle of wine.

I haven't touched it but i've just been sitting here for almost an hour looking at it. I know I shouldn't drink it but I just have the urge to. As I was about to walk away I couldn't take it anymore and just picked it up and opened it.

Gracies POV-

I've been at this party for 3 hours now and although it's fun I can't stop thinking about Scarlet. I saw her face when the interviewer asked her about rehab and it made me so angry and she was quiet the whole night after that except for when Olivia and I won our nominations.

I've had a few drinks but not enough to make me drunk so I called my driver to come pick me up because I needed to see scar.

"hey con, wheres liv?" I asked.


"I'm right here! I was just getting drinks, want one?" she asked taking a shot.

"awe thanks its not like I was just about to say that you were behind her." Conan said taking a drink from her.

I laughed at them glaring at each other.

"no i'm okay but i'm gonna head home now, i'm getting a little tired." I said.

They hugged me and we said our byes so I went outside to wait for my driver. He arrived 5 minutes later and began driving to Scarlets place.

Come back to me-Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now