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Naomi went to school, nervous, especially what happened 2 months ago. Breathing in and out, she entered the classroom, and saw Daichi and Genji sitting together, beside each other, while Shiki was back to playing with her own stopwatch.

"Hey guys, how's it been?" She asked, happy to see them all together.

"We're alright, how about you?" Genji asked back, Daichi hugged Naomi, and Shiki waved at her.

"Alright, it's been good for me as well."

"How about your brother? Is he alright?" Shiki asked, her voice with worry.

"He's at least doing fine, his mental state's been bad over the past few years, and he's managing to do a steady recovery."

"Hey, at least he's doing fine. Glad to hear that." Daichi responded.

"Also Genji..."

"Hm? Yes?" Genji asked.

"You're. In. My. Seat." She sounded a bit irritated.

"Ah, y-yes." Genji stood up, and instantly moved to his chair, allowing Naomi to sit down and they resumed the conversation.


Meanwhile, Haroichi, Banri, and Chinami were sitting outside a convenience store, eating ice cream. Haroichi seemed to be doing better, although he does have episodes where it happens, he can control it.

"Thanks, I needed this..." Haroichi said to them, enjoying his ice cream cone.

"At least you're doing well, glad to know that." Banri gave him a water bottle, which he happily took.

Chinami smiled, and asked, "Say, Haro. Will you come with me to the daycare later, I do need some help on something."

"Oh...sure, I can help." Haroichi replied, the three enjoying a peaceful moment.


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