029 Reawakening

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Twenty-Nine, Reawakening.

      "I don't want you to live like this— live with this

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      "I don't want you to live like this— live with this. This isn't who I want you to be."

      "He was a bad person, Mom." The young blonde defended herself, taking a step closer to her mother as she stood outside the church, "He deserved to die."

Adeline's eyebrows furrowed, "You aren't a killer, Lola."

      The mother knew a year ago Lola would never dream of saying something like that, or even think it. But she also knew she had to face reality, this was the world now and she needed to accept that. But coming to terms with the fact her daughter was growing up in a reality where it was kill or be killed would never be easy.

Instead of a reply from Lola, she returned inside. Leaving her mother to stare at her defending figure in disbelief.

All Adeline wanted was a safe place for Lola, where she could go to bed at night without fear of being eaten loomed over her, a place where she could be a child.

      Half of the group had left for Washington DC whilst the rest were waiting patiently for Daryl and Carol to return.

      Thankfully, Daryl's return brought good news. Beth was alive. And unfortunately, bad news. Carol had been taken.

      Lola was more than thrilled, a genuine smile on her face for the first time in these past few days.

       Rick and a few others would go off to Atlanta to retrieve Beth and Carol whilst the rest waited at the Church, and when they were all reunited they would go off in the direction of DC so they could reunite with the rest of their group.

Before their departure, they had all pitched into board up the church and make it safe for those who would wait behind. Wood planks were hammered into the windows, pikes were implanted into the ground, concealing the entrance from any threats.

Adeline wanted to go, for Beth. But right now her daughter was more important, staying back and protecting her was best.

So she, Lola, Michonne, Carl, Gabriel and Judith would remain behind.

Rick kissed his baby girl's head and handed her off to Adeline where she immediately settled into the woman's arms. The man attempted to a goodbye to the woman, but she just replied with a scowl and turned away from him.

"We'll be back soon."

"Is there something going on with my dad and your mom?" Carl questioned Lola, the two of them sat on the couch in one of the back rooms with a babbling Judith between them.


"I heard them talking last night. . . And the way they were acting on the way to Terminus. . . Well, it was weird." The young boy explained, desperate to know why his father's eyes seemed to never leave Adeline.

"My mom hasn't said anything. She'd tell me. . . If she'd moved on from my dad. And I'm sure your dad would tell you. . ."

Carl shrugged in disagreement, fully aware something was going on between the two. He wasn't stupid, anyone would eyes could see there was something between them. The boy decided to leave the topic of their parents at that, knowing Lola wasn't going to offer any new knowledge. "You killed that guy."

Lola barely digested his words before she retorted, "He threatened me. . . And Judith. He was a bad man."

Carl frowned, unsure of what to say to the slightly younger girl, then looked at his baby sister.

Where the two young ones were having a conversation in the back, the older women were having one at the front.

Michonne could sense the tension in Adeline's shoulders and the fury between her eyebrows. "She'll be okay, you know. She's tough."

Adeline sighed, "She's eleven, and she's killed two people— One of them being her father." The brunette pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration, irrevocably disappointed that she hadn't been able to protect her daughter. "What kind of mother am I? How could I let that happen?"

"This isn't your fault. This is the world now." The dark-skinned woman places a soothing hand on her shoulder, "You're doing the best you can. Lola's alive, she's here, because of you. You got her here, Addy."

Refusing to cry, Adeline squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head.

       By the time they managed to escape the church after walkers had invaded the building, those who left for DC returned with the inevitable bad news that Eugene was a liar.

       There was no cure and certainly no safe haven in Washington.

       Fortunately, not all of the group had high expectations and hopes when Abraham first revealed Eugene's mission. If there was a cure, it would've been found. If there was a way out, they would've found it by now.

      But, they had good news for Maggie.

      Pulling her sister-in-law in for an embrace, Adeline beamed, "Beth's alive."

      "What?" The woman replied in shock.

      "She's in a hospital in Atlanta. The others went to get her back."

      Maggie chuckled and tears of joy began to drip down her cheeks, "Do we know which one?"

      "Grady Memorial."

       The woman clutched her head in shock, "Oh my god." And immediately pulled her niece into a hug, "She's alive."

       "Let's blow this joint, go save your sister," Tara enthusiastically added. The good news brings smiles to everybody's faces.

With the hospital as their destination, they left the church for a final time.

authors this is so short i'm sorry i just have zero motivation 😫😫 give me a month and i promise ill pick up the slackw

authors this is so short i'm sorry i just have zero motivation 😫😫 give me a month and i promise ill pick up the slackw

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