The Referral

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Bunny and Sergeant Carter were having trouble conceiving a child. They decided to enlist the help of their friend, Debbie. Bunny called Debbie and asked if they could come over that Saturday, as they had something they needed to ask her. That Saturday, they knocked on Debbie's door. Debbie answered the door. "Hey, guys" she said, giving Bunny and Sergeant Carter a big hug. "How are you guys?" "We're okay, how are you?" Sergeant Carter answered. "I'm good, thanks" Debbie said. "Come on in" Bunny and Sergeant Carter stepped inside and sat down on the couch. "Can we get you anything?" Debbie's husband, Ken, offered. "Water? soda? lemonade?" "We're fine, thank you" Sergeant Carter answered. "Okay" Debbie said, plopping down on the couch. "What did you wanna ask me?" "We were wondering if you'd be our surrogate" Sergeant Carter inquired. "Oh" Debbie said, surprised at this request. "I'm so sorry, guys, but I can't do it" Bunny and Sergeant Carter's smile faded. "Oh" Sergeant Carter said, disappointedly. "But I have a friend who'd be more than happy to help you" Debbie said. "What's her name?" Sergeant Carter asked. "Her name's Betsy" Debbie answered. "Here, let me get a piece of paper and I'll write down her phone number" Debbie did just that. She wrote down Betsy's phone number and gave it to Sergeant Carter. "Thanks" Sergeant Carter said, appreciatively. "You're welcome" Debbie replied. When Bunny got home, she called Betsy and arranged a day for them to meet.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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