Ch. 6: Falling For Him

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The next few weeks, I seemed to drag by. I never did hear from Emeric again, and every time I saw Seamus, it took everything in me not to punch his teeth out. It sickened me to see him constantly flirting with Aoife. The only person who knew about his interaction with Emeric at The Temple Bar was Laura, and I made her swear she would never tell.

"How're things going with Emeric?" Aoife asked one afternoon. She had come over one afternoon about a month after.

"They're not," I simply said, pounding the keys to my laptop.

She looked up, looking at me. "What do you mean?"

"Aoife, maybe stop trying to be in everyone's business and leave me alone!" I shouted, standing up.

Aoife leaned back in her chair, taken aback by my sudden outburst. "I think I should be going."

"I think you're right," I snapped, walking to my bedroom. I didn't even bother to see if Aoife left; I didn't care. I sat at the bottom of my bed, tears streaming down my face.

"Why did you ever start liking him?" I hissed at myself, hot tears streaming down my face. "He's probably a serial killer or something!" I buried my face in my hands, sobbing into them. I knew everything seemed too good to be true.

When I had finally finished my meltdown session, I wiped my face, stood up, and looked out the window—the beautiful, sunny Irish day I had squandered pouting in my kitchen had turned to lashing rain. I sighed, sitting down on my bed and staring out the window. I found my mind wandering back to the first night I met Emeric at the castle.

I closed my eyes, picturing the whole scene once more. Suddenly, there Emeric stood. He looked dapper in his tux, with his emerald eyes shining as he chatted with those around him. I could hear his laugh and see how he threw his head back. I could picture the dimples and how he grew deeper when his smile grew wider. I could have fallen for those dimples alone.

"I think you did," I muttered as I opened my eyes. "Why did I open my eyes?" I groaned, flopping back onto my bed. I stared around my room. It seemed too cold and bland compared to the castle ballroom's warm lights and the intense feeling of dancing in Emeric's arms. I sighed to myself. Stop it! I suddenly scolded myself.

"You have work to do, Lucy Celina Keynes!" I scolded, pulling myself up off my bed. I dragged myself out to my kitchen, flopping in front of my computer. I knew I had to make things right with Aoife. Laura would catch wind of what had happened and try to fix it.

I smiled as I thought about Laura. Her personality matched who she was as a person. She was the sweetest girl, taking people's problems and making them her own. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Hey, Luc," Laura smiled on the other side of my door. She was wearing a soft pink sweater and baggy blue jeans. She wore a gentle, sympathetic smile on her face. "Aoife called me. I was in town, so I thought I'd stop by and say 'hi.' I assume she doesn't know what happened with Emeric and Seamus?"

I scoffed. "No, and Aoife's still sucking face with Seamus too."

Laura scrunched her face. "I'm so glad that is an American thing. Because I hate it."

"What?" I said. "Sucking face?"

Laura held up her hand. "I get it. And yes."

I stepped aside and let her walk in. As always, she stopped, slid off her shoes by my hallway table, and placed her back on top. "Cupan tae?" I asked, walking into my kitchen.

"Please," Laura said, sitting at my table. The room stayed silent as I pulled two mugs from my cupboard, placed tea bags in them, and poured the boiling water. When I put Laura's in front of her, she looked up at me. "You should tell Aoife."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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