We're in this together...right bois?

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(Y/n)'s POV:

After we put on our jersey with me having a unique jersey with the infinite symbol on it. I look over my jersey briefly, which made me slightly pout. Feels almost as though it helps set apart from the others. I'm starting to get bored of seeing this.

The intercom booms throughout the field as it went over the dimension of the field itself which is an area of 40x30 meters. Then it proceeds to introduce us to our goalkeeper before ending it with: 

4v3, first to 5 goals! The rivalry battle of the 2nd selection's 3rd stage!

I went ahead to my team's goalkeeper. Said blue lock man tilt his head at my presence. I rest a hand on his shoulder, "Heeeey man! Don't know if you're the same guy that I face against in that first stage. But ya see, we're in a special predicament. Soooo I will have to take your place." If the blue lock man could blink, he would do it as of now whilst also scratching his bald head. 

At this moment, Bachira and Nagi came by to see what's up. The sight of the blue lock man made Bachira perked up in excitement, "Whoa! Look at him! He's overflowing with cyberness! Let's go, master!" this in turn also made Nagi look the hologram over, "So our blue lock man is white. Since we're team white, I guess." I smugly smile, "Whelp, he's not any longer! 'Cause I'm taking over!" I said as then point at myself. Bachira raise a brow in confusion, "Huh? But we already have a blue lock man, (y/n). Aren't you gonna play with the rest of us?" Nagi tilt his head to the side, "Are you even a good goalkeeper?" I now opt to rest my hands on my hips with a scoff, "C'mon guys! I made it here as a goalkeeper early on. My skills are no joke y'know!" Bachira proceed to glomp me whilst rubbing his cheek on mine, "Right! I still that save you did against those brothers! It's almost as though you read their mind!" I slightly tense at that last statement before quickly play it off, "I guess I'm just too superior, Meguru. I don't what to do with myself. Aaah, I think I'm dying from success, guys." I dramatically said with a hand over my forehead while leaning my weight on to him. Bachira proceed to lower me to the ground before Nagi went on to put my arms in a X formation. Then Bachira covers my eyes with his hand as he fake sob, "(Y/n)...You will be missed...*sniff*."

"Rest in peace, Sonic." Nagi said.

"Uh guys....now is not the time..." Isagi, the voice of reason, brought us back to what we were initially supposed to do. I remove Bachira's hand as I then kip up with a huff.

"Such a stylish way of getting up!" Aryu could be heard from afar.

Dusting any grass that might've stuck on my short, I went on to answer Bachira's initial question, "About your question, Meguru. I still am playing with you guys, but just as a goalie. Having me in the team and game as whole already throw off the balance of things. Although something similar happened with Kuon involved, personally, I don't want to replicate that scenario during my time as an extra. So, I figured being a goalie would be the safest option as I would still be participating whilst not actively get in the way of the physical game. Plus, I'm a good goalkeeper. So it's a win-win in my book!" 

"So, you've already made up your mind about this from the very beginning, right?" I face Isagi upon hearing him speak, the look he gave me was one that asks for confirmation but a bit sad too. I softly smile, "Yeah, Yoichi. I have." Isagi went silent, his eyes looking down briefly before meeting mine again, "Don't....Don't you want to play with us?" I stare at Isagi before my eyes move to our opponents who stares back at us, waiting for us to start.

Of course. Of course I want to play with you Isagi. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Every time I get to play with you or the other guys, even if my past would come to haunt me, the carefree feeling I'd get whenever I play with you all would make me forget that they exist. I want that forever, but.......this is a story I'm not supposed to be in. To get further involve would mean altering the future so much so that I could ruin something I wasn't suppose to. And most importantly, I don't want to ruin Isagi, Nagi or Bachira's development in this crucial and pivotal moment. Therefore, at my own expense, I will do what I must to keep the story on its original track.

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