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    Nothing but a painful pounding rang throughout her mind. Her entire body felt as if the weight of the world were crashing on her itself. She couldn't even bear to pick herself off the ground. Maybe if she just lay there, a lack of hope lacing itself throughout her entire body, maybe, just maybe, her new friend Heart could fill that hopeless shaped pit in her heart. Though, the poor creature couldn't even wade its way out of the waters without her aid. How would she ever see its face again if it could barely fend for itself? She couldn't imagine it slipping through a forest with any slickness. Yes, stumbling over twigs like a helpless fawn, only to fall into yet another river, cold, alone, and confused.

    A twinge of grief struck her as if it had surely already happened.

    She couldn't let that happen.

    She wouldn't let that happen.

    Her hands found the earth, and she pushed herself back on her feet. She would find Heart, no matter what. Even if her feet dragged through acres of mud, grass and water before it happened. Each step felt heavier than the last, but she told herself she would refuse to stop to see her new friend. Fortunately, while her feet felt rather dense, her mind was not. She memorized every strand of grass and where it led to, as if it were a map that were laid down right in front of her very own eyes, not only to retain, but to marvel upon as its shades swung from greens to yellows. Her steps traced the homes of the grasses, and the pebbles that scattered in between them. The hopping crickets and buzzing bees flocked away from her with every pitter-patter audible, and the sun seemed to grow tired, dropping every time the little star decided to glance at it. It would no doubt be night soon, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

     Surely enough, a cold, dark night fell upon her once more. Every once in a while, she swore she could see a low red glow, just like the one that came from Heart. She called out for its name with all her strength, a spark of hope lighting up inside of her for a moment, only for it to get washed away by silence and disappointment. It seemed as if she was never meant to find her new friend. She dishearteningly watched another false glow of red stare back at her, as if it were some kind of mockery. The glow grew stronger, and along with it, so did a soft voice.


     Her heart skipped a beat. She hoarsely called out its name again, desperation trickling like honey from a hive. Her voice was but a measly one. She could barely hear herself. A wave of realization crashed over her. She lost her voice.


     It was as if its voice was taunting her. They were only a few steps apart, she was sure of it. Even if her voice didn't work, her legs still did. She scrambled towards the dim light, only to trip over her own feet and fall face first into the grasses she so carefully analyzed.


     She let out a pained whine, pushing herself back onto her feet. Her legs felt weak and wobbly, her heart felt as if it were stuck in her throat, and tears flooded in her eyes. She felt dangerously numb and light-headed. She tried to call out for Heart, but the whisper of what was once her voice mocked her once again. She couldn't help but let the tears from her eyes fall, and a weak cough escaped her.

     "Star? Was that you? Star?" 

     Yes, yes it's me! Heart, its me, she thought. She let her foot take another step, as if she were learning to walk. It's me, Heart, she repeated, begging it to hear her thoughts. She grew closer, but suddenly stopped, feeling a hot wave of acid throw itself against her throat, and out of her mouth, causing her to make a grotesque sound. Vomit splashed at her feet and in the grass, and a low groan leaked from her voice. Fatigue drowned her spirits. How would Heart ever find her..?


     She heard heavy, horrified steps approach her with haste. She weakly glanced up, staring back into the eyes of...


     She was quickly pulled into a urgent hug. Heart kept muttering something, but its voice faded away, as so did her vision, and soon enough, she fell dead asleep, safe in the arms of her new friend.

    The sun stared down at her in curiosity as Star opened her eyes. She slowly took in the environment around her, finding Heart sitting, playing with shards of an object she's never seen before. Without thinking, she reached for them, and Heart let them slip into her hands with a soft tenderness she hadn't felt before. She gave it an inquisitive look before turning her attention to the strange shards. As she allowed the sun's rays to enter them, they cast a gorgeous array of colors onto the ground, like the ones she saw in the sky that were in the shape of half of a circle. She was mesmerized by this, and continued to inspect it, before the voice of Heart interrupted her thoughts.

    "Are you... Doing better?" It asked, a worried expression staring at her.

    "Yeah!" She replied cheerily. She responded to his anxious look with a bright smile. "Now that you're back, friend! I thought you would've died out there, no offense."

    The heart shyly smiled and said nothing, leaving them in a comfortable silence. Suddenly, Star sat up with an urgency she hadn't felt before.

    "Trees! I haven't shown you my house, have I?"

    "I don't recall it," it murmured.

    "Well, I've ought to! Come on, follow after me!"

    "Do we have to cross another water?" Heart asked nervously. Star examined its face, noticing a twinge of fret. She shook her head, causing the heart a little comfort.

    "Come now!" Star exclaimed. She scrambled to her feet and ran through the luscious meadows, Heart following right behind her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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