:01 "hatred"

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Katsukis pov
"Why do you always have to fuck up my day !?" I yell out of frustration

"It's not my fault you're just making yourself mad!"

"Just shut up and leave me alone!"

"How about both of y'all shut up and go to student support!" The teacher yells getting tired of us yelling

"Ugh!" I get up knocking a desk over as I do so

"Aw are you mad ?" Shoto says mockingly

"Shut the hell up."

"What if I dont?"

"Shoto I'm telling you shut up before I actually beat ya ass"

"Oh please you're not gonna do shit" he says laughing

I decided to be the bigger person and walk out before things get heated

'Even if we did fight I would have won' I say in my mind as I walk into student support with him and the teacher behind us

"These two were arguing and cussing in my class"

After about 30 minutes of the iss teacher talking to us I started to get pissed off cause I didn't wanna hear her mouth just yap on about how we shouldn't be doing this.

"Ok bro.." I mutter under my breath

"What was that?"

I suck my teeth and started arguing with her

"You know what get out. Out! Because I am not going to argue with a student who can't stay in his place get out!"

"What does it look like I'm trying to do damn!"

"Thats it he's going home today. Home H-O-M-E HOME!"

"Ohhh kay like" I sigh as I walk out heading to the principals office  to get my note home

At home



"Why are you arguing with grown people in the first place?"

"She kept talking nonsense 'nd i was just over it"

"Alright the next time you can't keep yo mouth shut and listen you will be grounded for 2 weeks. Keep this shit up katsuki I'm not playing with you." She says sternly before walking off to her room

I sigh and walk to my room pulling out my phone as I sat down on my bed




-I'm suspended for 2 days-

After a while of us texting I go to bed

I was sleeping peacefully untill my phone started ringing I turn over to pick ot up

"Jesus who the hell is calling me !?" I yell picking up the phone half asleep


<aw you sound a bit grumpy>

<yeah no shit Sherlock you
Just woke me up and who
Are you?>

<'it's me shoto.>

<bye.> I hang up the phone not caring only to get a call back. I quickly decline the call and turn my phone on dnd. He ends up calling my iPad

'How desperate is he' I pick up the call


<I just wanted to say sorry
But I'll save that sorry for later
Fucking piece of shit>

<oh please don't give me that
Sorry shit and yes
Ima be a piece of shit
To YOU because i don't
Fucking like you now stop calling
My shit for some bull shit like that
I hate you!> he grew silent


<oh so we're quiet now ? Oh
Ok cause it would have been real
Stupid of you to say some shit back
Keep pissing me off and ima show you
Wha the hell being stupid gets you.>

I hang up on him cause I was not finna deal with him at this time of night like who calls people at 2 in the fucking morning!?

At that point I couldn't go back to sleep so I watched TV for a few hours before falling into a deep sleep

1:43 pm
"Katsuki you got 5 seconds to get the fuck up out of your bed before I come up there to wake yo ass up! Get up!" My mom yells from down stairs

"I'm up damn!" I groan getting up walking down stairs

"Finally I've been trying to wake you up for the past 30 minutes what the hell!" She says pushing me out her way

"Well damn mama don't just push me like that" I say pushing her back

"You're a piece of shit do you hear me!" She yells laughing

"But that's ok I am one too" she sighs

"Anyways I called you down here to help me clean your father will be home at around 12 am"

I sigh knowing it's gonna be a long day with my mom .

750 words .

Y'all I'm actually going to snap my neck I hate this book already someone needs to take my phone away nowww ! 😭

I'm trying my hardest to make it good but I just can'ttt ima End up restarting if I can't revive this book .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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