After-Game Comments

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In Adventure Bay...

At the Lookout (Kyle's house)...

Right now, Kyle was in his house playing Call of Duty Black Ops II. He was doing a Team Deathmatch with the Movie pups (In their high tech gear without headgear) on his bed watching.

Kyle FKZF: Boom! You just got scoped!

Kyle FKZF: What'cha think of this?

Rubble: It's crazy.

Liberty: And violent.

Marshall was shaking in fear.

Marshall: There's so much blood. (In a scared tone)

Kyle FKZF: It's just a game.

Skye: Yeah, it is just a game.




Kyle FKZF: Now I know what you guys are thinking: Is this more crazy than what I do in my racing games?

Rocky: Yeah.

Chase: Cuz that game has stuff that racing games don't have...

Zuma: Guns, shooting, zombies, blood, gore, violence...

Chase: Zuma can name whatever he thinks of, it's all in games like that.

After the match was over, Kyle's team won the match, he got the final kill, they watched the Final Killcam in Kyle's POV.

Kyle FKZF: Alright, well that headshot gave me the victory.

Skye: Y'know, Kyle wasn't lying when he said he is a good shot.

Kyle FKZF: Yep, you got that right, Skye.

Liberty: If I ever played a game like that, I would give my enemies the dog breath!

Liberty then opens her mouth and sticks a little bit of her tongue out.

Skye: Really? You're doing that again?

Kyle FKZF: Liberty! Hey! If you drool on my bed I swear to God...

Liberty: Okay, I'll stop.


Rocky: Man I can't believe everything I saw in that game.

Kyle FKZF: So what if I get blood on my hands, I don't care. I eat punks like them for breakfest.

Rocky: What is that supposed to mean?

Kyle FKZF: You heard me.

What'd you all think? And what's your favorite part??

The End.

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