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The next week was a mixture of confusion for one dark-haired man. He didn't know what to think about being mates to two very handsome men and couldn't focus in class either.

On Friday morning, Severus woke up with a lot on his mind. He groaned, sat up slowly, threw off his black silk sheets, and got off the bed. He headed to the bathroom and showered before dressing in his teaching robes and heading to the kitchen. He sighed when he saw the goblet of blood waiting for him. He gulped it down before picking up his lesson plans and headed to his office; he didn't want to be bothered with breakfast.

He entered his office and dropped the plans on his desk, picking up the first one he saw that the first class was between Slytherin and Gryffindor. He dreaded these classes, and something always went wrong, even more so now. Because what happened to Draco had caused Weasley and Granger to be suspended, it seems like the Slytherins were always under attack.

He sat in his office until breakfast was over and he heard the kids start to come in, he silently exited through the side door attaching his office to the classroom. He made his way to the front of the class and waited for the last ones to file in before speaking. "Today, we will be dealing with a simple potion, an Alihotsy Draught. Can anyone tell me what this potion does?" he asked, and Draco raised his hand.

"It is a historical laughter potion," The blond said once Severus nodded his head toward him.

"The instructions for the potion are being written on the board. Make sure to follow them precisely. One wrong move could turn the potion into something far more deadly," the dark man said.

He watched over the students as they made their way to the ingredients cabinet and took what they needed. He walked between the rows and made sure that each person was doing as they were supposed to. He had to banish Longbottom's potion twice before he told the boy to stop trying.

When the class was over, Draco approached him and waited for the other students to exit. "Asura wrote me a letter this morning," He said, and Severus raised a brow, wondering where the conversation was going. "He said that he was the one who caused Granger and Weasley to be suspended; he didn't say how. He told me that he told you and my father the truth about himself, too," The smaller male finished, and Snape nodded.

"Just small details," he replied, and Draco nodded. "You should get to class before you're late," he said, and Draco smiled before heading toward the door.

"By the way, I already consider you a father to me," he said before quickly leaving the room, leaving a stunned Severus behind him.

By the end of the day, the dark-haired man was ready to hex somebody. He had lost six cauldrons and sent four students to the medi-wing because they could not follow instructions or were fooling around instead of doing their work.

He gathered up the stack of papers he had gotten throughout the day and made his way down the dimly lit hall to his quarters. Whispering the password, he stepped only to pause when he sat a tall platinum blonde man lounging on his couch.

"What are you doing here?"Severus asked as he quickly closed the door and deposited his papers on the coffee table.

"We need to talk," The blonde said, leaning forward and placing both hands on his serpent cane,

Knowing it was true, Sevrus moved and sat down on his lounge chair by the fireplace.

"I have fancied you for a long time, Severus," Lucius began, "Since we were students at the very school. I wanted you to be my partner, my Veela, who was ridiculously attracted to you. When I found out neither of us had mates, I was happy; I could make you mine. But before I even got the chance, I was in an arranged marriage. Now, I get the chance again to make you mine, along with another handsome and caring man, and I want to take the chance. I never thought I would feel my Veela so alive for another person who wasn't you, Severus. I know you have only met him twice, as Asura and as Harry Potter. And I know you well enough to know that you are beating yourself up over the past. That's why I'm here, to tell you not to let what happened in the past get in the way of being with us, of being with me," The blonde finished, and Severus stood from his chair and sat beside Lucius, close enough that he could gently take his hand in his.

"I have fancied you ever since the first year, too," He said, his eyes wandering around the room, "My vampire wanted you as much as I did. I wanted to ask you out so many times; I just never thought I had a chance with you. I was the poorest kid in Slytherin and you were the Slytherin Prince, I was lucky enough to be your friend. After you told me you were going to marry Narcissa, I have to admit, I cried. For days, My heart shattered. For me, the divorce was the best part of your marriage. And you're right. I have been looking at Asura more as Potter than who he is now, and I do want to be with you, and I will give him a chance, too." The onyx-eyed man said, and Lucius smiled at him.

"So, we're going to be mates? Me, you, and Asura?" the blonde asked, and Snape nodded.

"Yeah, we can go and tell him tomorrow; I took the day off," Severus said.


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Word count: 962

Re-published: April 28, 2024, 11:30 am

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