Banter and Bandages | CW Titans - Dick Grayson

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[A/N #1: Wrote a long time ago, but hope everyone enjoys nonetheless]

I sat in the medical room with Dick patching me up.

How did we get to this point?


Dick and I agreed to try to train together every morning. We were making great progress, besides a few setbacks... one of them being today when I decided to not let him go easy on me for once.

That's where I fucked up and now I'm in the Tower's medical room.

"I should've let you go easy on me." I winced, still feeling what he threw at me.

"I warned you." Dick said.

"I know you did." I got up to grab some more supplies until-

"Sit down." Dick ordered.

I suddenly sat down, making him chuckle as he sat down in front of me with the supplies; "Thought you liked me giving orders." Dick teased.

"Not like this." I said.

"You kicked my ass a few times. That's more than Jason can do." Dick said.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked.

"Is it working?" Dick asked.

I chuckled; "A little."

"Alright, now I should probably patch you up." Dick pointed out.

"You go do that, bird boy." I replied.

Silence filled the medical room until Dick spoke up; "I'm not bird boy."

You think this is the first time I've called him bird boy? You'd be wrong.

"You were Robin, now Nightwing. You're into birds." I teased him.

"Robin wasn't exactly my decision. The name at least." Dick reminded me.

"I could tell. Especially with that costume you wore." I sassed, making Dick cringe at the thought, and making me laugh.

"It got better. But I guess I have an interest in you do." Dick said.

"Like me?" I asked, puzzled.

"You're with me. Are you not?" Dick pointed out.

I jokingly glared at him, then sighed; "Point taken."

Dick smiled, still teasing me a bit as he finished patching me up. "There. Patched up."

"Thanks. For a bird you do pretty well." I joked.

"You're lucky I love you." Dick said.

"Love you too, Dick." I smiled, then got up to kiss him on the cheek, before leaving the medical room to join the other Titans for breakfast.

[A/N #2: Also published on my A03 if anyone wants to read and/or bookmark it over there: ]

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