Chapter 3

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Shane's Pov

?- Hello

Shane- Hi Joey..its Shane.

Joey- Oh hi Shane. What's up.

Shane- Nothing...nothing ever happens to me. I wanted somebody to talk to.

Joey- Oh really ok what do you want to talk about.

Shane- Well.... first off, why?

Joey- Why what?

Shane- Why are you being nice to me? Why did you give me your number? Why are you even talking to me?

Joey- Well your a person, why shouldn't I talk to you?

Shane- Do you know who I am?

Joey- Shane Dawson thief, killer,the man who murdered his mother and tortured his father to death. The person that would do anything even rip a child away from his family for money.

Shane- So you do know me. Why are you talking to me, everyone hates me and if you had half a brain you would hate me too.

Joey- Well I just think you deserve a second chance. Everyone judges you but I don't think anyone knows your side of the story.

Shane- Well.

Joey- Go ahead you can tell me.

Shane- Ok, When I was a kid My father was very abusive, I mean really abusive, extremely...

Joey- Ya ok I get it.

Shane- Every little thing I did upset him. When I got older and wanted to move to a far away collage so I wouldn't have to be near him he became angry and beat me he would never let me leave. And my mother she knew but she never did anything all she did was drink and drink. Finally I couldn't take it my mother wasn't a real mother and my father had imprisoned me, so I killed my mother but when it came to my father what he had done all these years I just couldn't let him die a quick death so I tortured him to death. Unfortunately I didn't cover it up as well as I thought I did and so I became a criminal and after that I did all I can do just to stay alive and out of jail even if it means killing innocent people.

Joey- Oh my God Shane that's so....

Shane- I am not done Joey, though you have bee nice to me I can't trust anyone EVER. So if some how you reach me or try to reach you can consider yourself dead.

Then I hanged up.

Joey's Pov

I can't believe Shane threatened to kill me but can you blame him his life is a mess. It might be dangerous but I have to try to reach him again, no matter what.

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