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You were invited to the LifeSteal SMP
In this SMP life is limited, every time someone or something kills you. You lose a heart, you can craft hearts or kill other people to get hearts. It depends on you if you want to murder people for your own sake or not.

Before you joined you contacted Branzy to make sure you join safely.


Y/N:Branzy are you sure this is going to work?
Branzy:Of course! Besides I told clown you were joining, if you die I have to give you a heart. Hopefully I don't have to...
Y/N:You better make sure of it.

[(your username) has joined]

You were immediately jumped by mapicc. Luckily clownpierce helped you get out of spawn, Branzy told you to go to these exact coordinates  -122, -178 -21 [A/N:These are random coordinates, these are NOT your home address.]

You meet Branzy at the location, he proceeds to give you some hearts and armor "Hey, where did you get 10 hearts..?" You asked "oh from my factory." He replies cheerfully. "Well moving on, let's go to the nether to get to the base" He tells you, he builds a portal and leads you to where the other portal is. "FINALLY WE FOUND IT!" You stated. "Dude, its only been 3 minutes relax..." He replies "Still! It took a really long time..." "And yet you watch anime for 2 hours" he mumbles. You and Branzy get inside the portal and teleport back to the overworld, he then leads you to their base which is underground near bedrock. "Phew, thank god nobody found us while getting here" he tells you. Clownpierce gets back after killing Mapicc, "are you both fine?" "Yes da- I mean clown." Branzy says (Branzy x Clownpierce?) 'Ugh these gays..' You think to yourself "So, Y/N what can you do to provide us?" Clown asked "I uh... I can build and gather materials." You reply. After discussing with clown and branzy on what their next plan is, they decided it was best to gather the materials before actually doing the plan.

Here's what you need:

Sticky pistons
And a lot more.

You managed to get what you guys needed for the plan, Branzy on the other hand was trying to figure out where to put it, clown was killing anyone that disturbed him and branzy. While you were gathering materials you came across rekrap, who was Very famous for surviving every trap that everyone made. You have him some armor to protect himself and 2 hearts, Branzy then Dm'd you on discord to go inside the amusement park that he built a couple of days or so ago. You went inside to see clown and branzy waiting for you "so what's up with all these fire works?" You asked "well, it's to make a teacup ride! A deadly one." Branzy says "Basically...Once the players are inside a teacup it will be like Russian roulette! Where they need luck to survive, and if they survive all the rounds they get a free heart!" Branzy explained "You call yourself the weakest Lifesteal memeber?" You joked


After building the teacup ride, it was time to invite the players to the newest attraction in the amusement park. "Ash can we please gooo??" Squiddo asked "No, we're literally going to die." Ashswag replies to her
"CmOonnNn" Whilst Squiddo is begging to go on the ride there is reddoons, "I will win this ride. Even if I lost a crap ton of hearts in the last two..."


"It's working branzy. We will get unlimited hearts because of your rides. You deserve a reward~" "Thanks clown... You really didn't n-need too.. And I don't know if I can show this to youtube.." "Don't worry about me Branzy, I can give you what ever you want~"


You kept the guests entertained, while Clown and Branzy did whatever they did (it's not something dirty you perverts.) Then you saw Mapicc.. You considered him an enemy since he tried to kill you and steal your hearts. "Mapicc..." "Y/N.." //    "Woah, guys relax! Just enjoy our new ride!" Branzy tells the both of you hoping that both of you calm down and not start a scene. After the both of you calm down and ignore eachother, the members decided to try out Branzys new ride, you hoped Mapicc died in the ride. Of course Mapicc died after round 4, {LAST ROUND!} It's only reddoons and prince zam.

Branzy starts up the ride, reddoons eventually wins. Branzy gave reddoons his free heart "YES! HOLY SH-T." After everyone had tried the rides they eventually went back to what they were doing. Prince zam was still petty that he was 2nd place, pangi calmed him down. "Ugh, I could've won a hearttt" Zam groans "Don't worry, theres always next time zam" Pangi stated. Branzy took the hearts that fell into the hoppers then to the chests, while you were taking hearts that weren't able to go to the dispensers. As you were picking up a heart, you noticed Mapicc. You ignored him "Wait, let's have a duel." He stated. "And why would I say yes?" You asked "Because I have one of your friends hostage." He stated "You wouldnt kill Branzy in broad daylight. Would you?" "Of course not! That's why my friend over here will kill Branzy for me!....So what's it going to be Y/N?" 'How do I win this fight without Me or Branzy dying' you thought to yourself. You quickly thought of a plan otherwise Branzy will die, You quickly Dm'd clown of what was happening. [Clownpierce whispered to you:omw] "Well, Y/N have you decided yet?" Mapicc asked "Yes. I will accept your duel." "Very well then, let's not waste our time talking."

While you were focusing fighting Mapicc, Clown rescued Branzy and managed to escape with him

'Shit, I'm nearly out of totems' you thought to yourself 'I can't DM Clown and Branzy without me dying.' As you were about to lose your hearts Clown and Branzy luckily saved you... Branzy gave you enderpearls for you to escape with, as you teleported away with Branzy you guys went back to your base.

A/N:Hello! I have finished chapter one, thank god that took a while. It will take long for me to do Chapter 2  since i don't have much ideas and motivation.

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