2{Friend or Foe?}2

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"God! That was so stressful!!" Branzy complained. "You know at least you weren't fighting for at least 2 minutes.." You replied. As both of you waited for Clown pierce to comeback you guys thought of a way to get revenge at Mapicc, as you guys were trying hard to think of a way to get revenge at Mapicc. Clown soon went back "What are you guys doing?.." He asked the both of you "We're making a trap to get revenge!" Branzy cheerfully says. After days and days of planning and collecting materials, you guys managed to make the trap. No casualties, and no one knew about where the trap is and who made the trap. Only you, Branzy, and Clownpierce know about this. While you were placing the trap underneath  Mapicc's house. "What are you guys doing?" The voice of Reddoons shook you "Nothing..." "Is that so? Then why are you doing underneath Mapicc's house?" He asked, "Whatever, It's none of my business. As long it doesn't kill me or whatever" He leaves. As you continue to place the trap underneath Mapicc's house, you get a DM from Branzy. 'RUN NOW!!' You ran away as fast as you could. You then come across Reddoons "Where you goin?" He asked you. "Some.. Where.. Why'd you asked?" You replied... "Oh nothing. You know... I want to team up with you, considering you have Clownpierce and Branzy by your side." He told you, you didn't know whether or not you can trust reddoons. Considering he has 20 hearts, and he is rich so...."Fine, let's work together. But I'm still not telling you what I was doing underneath Mapicc's house. Do you understand?" You stated "Bet"

You took Reddoons to the fake base just in case he would ever betray you, Branzy and Clownpierce. You dm'd Clown and Branzy to the fake base and discuss what is the next plan. You guys decided to blow up Mapicc's Among Us statue. (Inspired by:I stole my friends statue by RekRap) there were a couple of them but one stood out. It was the red Among us Statue, it was Mapicc's favorite statue. You guys decided to blow it up but Reddoons suggested to steal it instead and hold it ransom. Which might sound weird but hey, you could save a crap ton of TNT. You guys decided to steal the statue and hold it ransom, as you were trying to steal the statue you notice a member. It was... RekRap?! RekRap left the LifeSteal SMP a while ago. It was after some puzzles that PrinceZam's team made. He played a big part in the LifeSteal SMP, he was famous for dodging traps and such. You and Rek were also friends but never talked to each other AFTER you became Branzy and Clownpierce's friend. Rek was Branzy and Clownpierce's enemy, probably their biggest enemy. You dm'd Rek for a VC to try and explain to him what you were doing.

Calling Rekrap......

"Hey rek.. Look its not what it seems like."
"Not what it seems like?... You're breaking Mapicc's Among Us statue! You do realize what you're doing right?...."
"Look Rek, its my revenge. He tried to kill me... TWICE! Why can't I get Mrevenge?!"
"Look, I'm just... Worried you won't get to survive longer because of doing this. It's risky, not to mention he's friends with PrinceZam."

Call ended.

You ended the call after talking to RekRap, by the time you were finished talking to him your friends finished stealing Mapicc's Statue. "C'mon before he notices!" Branzy stated. You guys all left the scene, on the LifeSteal discord server. The disappearance of Mappic's red Among Us Statue was all over, Mappic set up a Wanted sign/message. The message reads... "Whoever finds the person responsible for this will be awarded a heart and a stack of diamonds. The person who committed the crime will be either captured or killed off the SMP"

RekRap knew it was you and the others. But he refused to tell them, he was your friend. If he ever betrayed you for a heart and a stack of diamonds you guys would never be friends again.. You told Branzy and Clown to let RekRap join, of course this took a lot of convincing. But eventually they allowed RekRap to join, the team was great. You have a person who could easily get away with traps, you have someone who is rich in not only hearts but in materials, you have a troublemaker/redstoner and a someone who could easily fight the entire SMP. Everything was going great! Until..... A message popped up, it came from the server owner Parrot. Now this message was a HUGE problem because the message reads.. "Clownpierce, Branzy, Y/N, Reddoons and RekRap has stolen Mappic's statue" This... Was it. You and your friends would be targeted by the entire server. But, thankfully Reddoons had a plan b. He sent a video of Minute stealing the statue instead of them, this took a while to convince them that Minute stole the statue, but after 5 whole minutes. Reddoons managed to convince them.

A/N:Hellooooo, there's not that many people who read my LS story but that's ok. As long as people read my story, I'm fine with it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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