Rose's Diary

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Rose's heart skipped a beat as she saw the boy holding out her diary. Relief washed over her, followed quickly by a surge of gratitude.

"Oh my goodness, thank you so much!" Rose exclaimed, reaching out to take the diary from him. "I can't believe I left it behind."

The boy offered her a reassuring smile. "No problem at all. I noticed it on the seat next to you when you got off the bus. I figured it must be important to you."

Rose felt a wave of embarrassment at the thought of someone else finding her diary, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the gratitude she felt towards the boy.

"Thank you, really. You've saved me from a lot of worry," Rose said, sincerity ringing in her voice.

The boy shrugged, his smile widening. "Just happy to help. I know how it feels to lose something important."

As Rose tucked her diary safely back into her bag, she couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with the boy. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to her. She made a mental note to remember his kindness and pay it forward whenever she could.

"Thanks again," Rose said, offering him a grateful smile. "You're a lifesaver."

With a nod and a wave, the boy turned to leave, leaving Rose alone once more in the quiet courtyard. As she resumed her lunch, she couldn't shake the feeling of warmth that lingered from their brief encounter. And as she reflected on the incident, she couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of faith in the goodness of people.

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