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Full name: Echo.
Nickname: Echo
Gender: Agender
Age: 37
Sexuality: aromantic
Species: whatever kind of puddle Blitz is. Turned robot
pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'10
Weight: 210 lbs
Apperance: (once I get home)
Features: a lot of advanced weapon forms of limbs
Personality: strict and cold on the outside, almost a emotionless machine. Though if you know her well you would know she is overprotective and clingy. Always watching over those she cares about and cannot trust them to be alone.
Ablities: Lightspeed Flight, Laser mode of arms. Bulletproof, robotic strength, Thermal charging, Paralyze shock, teleportation.
Orgin: once a lab working of high position, she was caught in a lethal disaster. The reactor core of the lab she worked in was unstable. She knew how to stop the reactor but was too late, she ended up getting caught up in the blast. She managed to survive the blast but was pinned in place due to being stabbed through the stomach. She could not escape and was forgotten for 5 years. She was later found and used as a part of a Super weapon project where they put her consciousness in a robot body.
Likes: due to the robot body she lacks the material affection for items, only having a bond to Blitz
Dislikes: her colleges and those that revived her.
fears: none
Trauma: she died and got revived

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