Clinical Data Analyst

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 bridge research teams, care staff and management. Analysts also report the results of clinical business intelligence to management, stakeholders and other interested parties.

The job role of a clinical data analyst can incorporate:

Validating outcomes and results from experiments and data from research for use in clinical business intelligence systems.

Training staff on the use of software programs.

Monitoring data management activities, both external and internal.

Apply study-specific procedures to ensure compliance with existing regulations and guidelines.

Creating, deploying and testing data collection systems.

Because of the medical nature of the work, it is generally suggested that clinical data analysts have two years of medical experience, preferably working with data. A bachelor's degree in healthcare, computer science, biology, chemistry, or another healthcare-associated field of study is all that is required for entry-level positions. However, a master's degree is usually given preference by employers and may result in better offers for applicants with less experience. In the United States and Canada, candidates can also benefit from voluntary certification from the Canadian or American Health Information Management Associations, further demonstrating verified skills, knowledge, and commitment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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