★~ Hues within the world (HaiKaveh)

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a/n: this was actually a request from an anonymous on tumblr! here's their idea:

a/n: this was actually a request from an anonymous on tumblr! here's their idea:

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★

the world was monochrome. black and white. not a single hue of rainbow. people were in different shade of black to white.
5 years ago, kaveh and alhaitham were best friends. that is until they seperated paths in major. till then, he had never seen alhaitham anywhere. furthermore, he though al haitham already forgotten about him. until he received an unexpected mail from the akademia. the sumeru akademiya invited him to work together with the akademia to design a mechanism for studies. he, ofcourse was pleasured to achieve this just as he was writing a mail back to the akademia, informing he's free.

3 days later, he got ready for the collaboration and is on his was to the akademiya. while he was walking there, he overheard a small talk. "did you know? the blacksmith has found his love life and he was clearly in joy when he saw colours!" "him? i've never thought he would find the right one this early... tell me more." "someone said it was the fishing woman.. i mean i guess they do match." "that's not what i meant! i mean, tell me more about the colours!" "oh right right... he said flowers have different colours.. the sky is bright.. the ground are in different shades too! isn't that awesome?" "that's more than awesome! man.. wish i found the right one that fast."

hearing the talk made kaveh daydream about being able to see bright and dark hues all over his vision. he had always ask his mom about the wonders of colours, but his mom didn't tell him much. she only told him that fate will bring the perfect one for you when you're already 17+. he thought about it, "why haven't i find the right one yet?" he didn't know whether seeing colours or having the perfect one matters more.

he continued his walk to the akademiya and finally he arrived. he was greeted by the grand acting sage. "welcome, welcome. i'm sure you still remember this place" the grand acting sage gave out his hand for kaveh to shake it. "it's a pleasure to be invited, i didn't expect such a thing." he accepted the grand acting sage's hand and they both shook hands in delight. "come in, come in. we've been planning to see you. perhaps you could do a comeback?" the grand acting sage joked as they both laughed. "it would be an honour to." kaveh was not kidding, it was like he got accepted to be in a high ranking or something!

"follow me, the rest are waiting for you." kaveh followed the grand acting sage but the small walk leaded to something else.
he was walking beside the grand acting sage when all of the sudden "sorry to interrupt, the reports had some missing parts, if it's not found by this dusk i couldn't hand it out to the traveler" kaveh locked eyes with the person who had just appeared. those eyes seemed familiar. at that moment, his vision sparked with colours that he'd never seen before. there were hues and shades of different colours.

the same was happening to alhaitham too. his vision were blasted with colours. and as he was not usual or familiar with this, his eye stung and he had to itch it to see clearly. "well then, i'll fetch some students to look for them. thankyou for informing." the grand acting sage looked back at kaveh and alhaitham whose both seem to have a problem with their vision. "are you both alright?" alhaitham war still struggling a bit to see but when they both locked eyes again, it hit them. they were the perfect one, soulmates. "I'm fine, just had dusk in my eyes. farewell for now." alhaitham rushed to try and see in his new

kaveh was lost in thoughts, both in his vision and alhaitham, "was he really the one?" "theres so many shades of colours" "is this really it?" "i can't describe how this feels.." "am i hallucinating?" he was looking around the akademiya with colours surrounding him. "kaveh? kavehh?" he didn't notice the grand acting sage was talking to him. but he shook his head and focused right then and there. "oh s-sorry. i was just. lost in thoughts" kaveh scratched the back of his neck and looked down. "hm? what were you thinking of?" the grand acting sage looked at him curiously. kaveh didn't know if he should tell the grand acting sage or not. but for now.. he decided to keep it as. secret. "nothing, i was just excited to what will come after this" the grand acting sage chuckled as they both continued to walk.

not even a minute, kaveh was welcomed in a room with a huge rectangle wooden table and some fancy wooden chair that is carved into a beautiful motif with pillows attached to the bottom and back (IF U GET WHAT I MEAN IT'S BASICALLY LIKE A THRONE). as he went inside the room, there were 5 people inside, 3 student and 2 grand acting sages. "ahh if it isn't our lovely architect!" "kaveh, kaveh! welcome in" "pleasure to meet you, sir" everyone stood upon their seats and bowed to the newly greeted kaveh. ofcourse, kaveh was excited to have this meeting. "go ahead and take a sit, i'll be right back" the grand acting sage told him. so he sat next to another grand acting sage. then the meeting started and ended well. everything was going well. everyone thanked him for his presence today, and is looking forward to see him tomorrow again to make the mechanics.

just as he was about to exit the akademiya, he saw alhaitham standing by the gate. he knew they both needed to talk about something. "kaveh.. long time no see" alhaitham turned his back to face kaveh. "may i talk to you for a bit?" alhaitham seemed eager to talk about this problem. without any thoughts kaveh responded, "alhaitham! i was delighted to see you earlier. and ofcourse! i'd be willing to" kaveh got closer to alhaitham.

they were facing eachother but none of them was brave enough to talk. "i.. i think.." "did your vision change too?" kaveh asked alhaitham, wanting to know the truth. "yes. yes it did." alhaitham looked into those red irises eyes. "i might need to say something to you, haitham. when i heard your voice.. i knew it was familiar. i was.. honestly please to see you again. i've been looking everywhere, i just.. want our old days back. but then my vision blasted with colours" kaveh tried to be as confident as he can but it was awkward to say all of the things in his heart. "i need to do a confession as well. i knew the grand sages were trying to give you a part here, i was.. wondering around the akademiya and trying to maybe catch a glimpse of you. i know this sounds cliche but honestly.. i'm glad fate brought us together" and at that moment, that was the very first time, kaveh saw alhaitham truthfully smiled after 5 years. 5 years of longing eachother.

"it's nice to have someone back" kaveh smiled as he ruffled alhaitham's hair just like back then. "who knew you were the one?" alhaitham ruffled kaveh's hair back as they both joked around. "i thought i'll be getting a pretty girl yknow" kaveh rolled his eyes jokingly. "but i'm glad. i think fate really does know we're meant for eachother huh?" kaveh looked at alhaitham whose staring at the now hued sunset. "I'm more than glad, as a scribe, i've never pass through a word that could describe how grateful i am for this" he closed his eyes, relaxed by the vibe. in the end, they both are happy with whatever this miracle was.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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