Chapter 1: System Check

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    ‘I’m dead I guess… kinda thought it’d be more etherally,’ Luz thinks as she drifts through a limbotic reality. Everything was greyscale, but it was memories and instances of her life. She looked over everything she has done, even touching base on memories most humans wouldn’t remember because of how the brain works. She finally got a good understanding of her father, and what he did to keep her from worrying about his health. As she nears her memory of death, she can’t help but see Amity looking at her, and watches as she makes an everlasting oath with the air, realizing she was making an oath to the Titan himself. “Oh batata,” Luz says, feeling herself tear up a bit. She then hears what the oath was, and sniffles a bit. “You did the best you could,” Luz says, wiping her tears. After another trip down memory lane, literally, Luz begins to feel a pulling sensation. ‘What?’ Luz thinks, a bit bewildered. Again, another tug, like a rope was tied to her waist and was being pulled. This one was a bit more strong though, causing her to stumble backward a bit. “C’mon, I know this can work,” Amity’s voice said, but extremely muffled and far away. “Amity?” Luz asks, eyes widening at the thought of seeing her again. “Damnit!” Amity’s voice yells, and something inside Luz seized a tiny bit. “Oh Amity, please don’t be beating yourself up, you did everything you could!” Luz says, hoping she could tell Amity this, even though she knew she was dead. “Sorry Luz, but… I may have to use some more. Forgive me, Amity says, a bit clearer this time, before Luz felt something prick her skin. Luz’s eyes widened, because she wouldn't be able to feel this if she was dead. ‘Wait, could I still be half alive?’ Luz wonders. “Alright, Log 3,589. Attempt… 56,” Amity says softly. Luz wonders why Amity is logging stuff, before she felt a vibrance of color come into the world around her. ‘What the fuck.’ Luz thinks, very taken aback by this. What exactly was going on, Luz didn’t know. Amit talks again, mumbling, before she yelps in surprise, then giggles a bit tiredly, but happy. “Yes, it finally worked! Success with attempt 56! Amity Noceda signing off,” Amity says, before hugging Luz’s body. Luz could feel this hug, but even so she knew she couldn’t move. Before she knew it, there was a huge pull, and she was ripped from the limbotic reality. Before passing out, Luz could feel, literally feel, Amity’s breath on her cheek.

   [Bootup Sequence Initiated... Power On In 3... 2... 1... Upload Complete]

“Amity!” Luz yells, jolting up from laying down on some kind of bed. She breathes heavily, shuddering as she tries grasping onto anything to hold herself up a bit. ‘Amity?!’ Luz thinks to herself, looking around, finding an unfamiliar surrounding area. She appeared to be in some kind of room, but heavily decorated with goth/emo stuff, and tons of linemaps. ‘What the,’ Luz thinks, before realizing her vision was very… purple tinted. “What the,” Luz says aloud, closing her eyes and rubbing them, only to hear a softly tink as metal gently his glass. ‘The hell?’ she thinks, and opens her eyes to find something truly startling. Her hands were still hands, however they were pale white, with joints that looked metallic. As Luz studies her hands, she also finds the paleness of her hands is actually white metal, and as she turns her hands over, she sees a purple triangle light. “No way,” Luz breathed, before looking at her arms, which too were robotic. “Where is a mirror?” Luz asks, joling up and rushing to the nearest one, now aware of the soft white and squeak of her new body. The face she sees in the mirror is not her own, but that of some kinda drone. There was a pitch black screen, but she saw there were small light refractors, which made a pattern to resemble eyes and emotions. Currently, her “eyes” were oval lines, which in turn relayed a scared expression. She opens her mouth, oddly seeing she had teeth, however she had a gray tongue and she quickly closed her mouth in response. “Weird,” she mumbles, and steps away from the mirror, trying to figure things out. ‘Where is Amity? Why isn’t she here? What happened?’ were all those going through Luz’s mind. “Uzi? Everything okay?” a deep voice calls from beyond the closed door to the room Luz was in. “Yeah, everythings okay,” Luz says, oddly feeling that the voice belonged to the name Khan. “Okay, you better not be plotting anything or acting crazy,” the voice says, before apparently exiting the abode. Luz sighs, sitting down and curling into a ball, having a small panic attack about her new situation.

   Meanwhile, in the same universe, however in a different place, Amity wakes up with the same start, gasping for Luz. “V, are you awake?” A very authoritative and female voice asks. ‘Whose V?’ Amity thinks to herself, before falling and hitting her head on the hard ground. ‘Ow,’ she thinks, rubbing the top of her head. “V?” A male, and frankly naive face asks. She opens her eyes, and finds a bit of a shock when she sees 3 things. 1, Amity’s vision is yellow tinted. 2, there are 2 robots which seem either worried and concerned. Finally 3, she had a sinking feeling she was no longer organic, and she had no idea where Luz might be. “What?” Amity asks, still rubbing the top of her head. The female robot sighs. “Did you knock yourself silly again?” The female robot asks, sounding annoyed a tiny bit. “Uh… I don’t think so?” Amity says, sighing and getting wobbly on her now stub-feet. “Well, hurry up and figure it out, we got a few stray workers ready and primed for the picking,” the female robot says, unfurling razorblade wings, and going out through the roof of the weird area they were located in. “So… she’s bossy,” Amity says, managing to maintain her balance on the stub-feet. “Yeah, but she’s still an awesome leader!” the male robot says with oblivious innocence. “If you don’t mind me asking, who are you and miss bossy pants?” Amity asks. “Ah, must’ve hit your memory chip slightly when you fell on your head, mind if I slap you?” the male robot asks. “Sure?” Amity says, really not knowing what was going on. The male robot nods, and slaps Amity across the visor, which makes her reboot a bit, and Amity is a bit shocked at the memories she has. “N?” she asks, a bit unsure. The male robot nods, smiling big. “Yes! Looks like you got back your memories once more!” N says with excitement. ‘I will kill anyone who corrupts this labrador,’ Amity thinks to herself. “So, N, even though I got my memories back, it's all kinda fuzzy, where are we?” Amity asks, playing along as this “V” person. “Ah, we are in the Spire, our place of protection so we don’t die from being in the sun.” N says. “We are also on a planet where there is no human life, since they kinda did kill themselves with an explosion.” N says, basically filling in memory gaps Amity had. “Ah… that is very unfortunate,” Amity says. “Yeah, but hey, at least we get to serve The Company and help get rid of rogue AI bots,” N adds. “Yeah… wait what?” Amity asks. “The worker drones idiot,” the female drone returns, the name of J coming to mind. “Ah right, sorry J,” Amity says, feeling very suppressed. “It's fine V, I will let it slide this once,” J says. ‘So much like Boscha, but… a little more understanding,’ Amity thinks to herself. “So, J, did you find anything?” N asks, as Amity studies her surroundings. “Yeah, we got a worker drone that looks lost.” J says. “Alrighty, were they alone?” N asks. “Yup. V, if you want to have this one, you can take it. I’m still at a temperature that is sufficient enough to hold off for a few days,” J says. “And I just finished my last kill,” N says. “Okay,” Amity says, unfurling her wings, and flies through the skylight on the spire’s top. After getting to an altitude she thought was good, she looked around, taking in the destruction of everything. ‘Holy crap, N wasn’t lying,’ Amity thinks to herself, and surprisingly enough, she found her vision scoping into a lone worker drone. ‘Well… don’t know how I am going to do this, or why I am so will…. willing…’ Amity thinks before she feels an immense pain, and her yellow vision shows a warning about overheating. As if instincts were kicking in, Amity dived for the worker drone, giggling a tiny bit, and tearing out mechanical organs. “Please, don’t feed me my own organs!” The worker drone pleaded, to which Amity did this, before devouring every drop of oil and then licking her nonexistent lips. “And yet, I feel nothing,” Amity says aloud, a bit surprised about this… sadistic side to her now. N is behind her, and says something. “Huh? Who are you?” Amity asks, before unfurling her wings again and flying up with enough force to make a soundwave. “Well I am N, but a whole letter is hard to remember,” N says, laughing a bit. ‘Why did I do that? He was trying to be nice,’ Amity thinks, mentally kicking herself in the butt. How little did she know that her plan of bringing Luz back from the dead had worked, and was having its own repercussions.

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