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I realized that my worth wasn't defined by my family's approval or affection. I had my own strengths and qualities that deserved recognition, even if they went unnoticed by my family. So, I decided to focus on nurturing those aspects of myself, finding comfort in knowing that my value didn't depend on their validation.

During my darkest moments, I found myself on my knees, praying for an end to the pain that consumed me. Each tear carried a silent plea for relief from the torment of my existence.

Night after night, I turned to prayer, hoping that my cries would be heard and answered. But the silence that greeted me only deepened the ache in my heart, leaving me feeling abandoned and alone.

"I've reached a point where I asked God to bring Death upon Me."

With no one to turn to, I bore the weight of my despair in solitude. The darkness threatened to swallow me whole, its grip tightening as I struggled to find a glimmer of light.

Yet, even in my darkest moments, a small voice whispered within me, urging me to hold on, to keep fighting, to believe that there was still hope for a better tomorrow. I clung to that flicker of hope with all the strength I had left, determined to find my way out of the darkness, no matter how long it took.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, the weight of my suffering became almost unbearable. Each cry for relief seemed to fall on deaf ears, leaving me drowning in a sea of hopelessness. The grip of despair tightened around me, squeezing the last vestiges of hope from my weary soul.

In the depths of my anguish, I began to lose faith in the religion that had once been my anchor. The prayers that had once brought me comfort now felt hollow, their promises of salvation ringing hollow in the face of my relentless suffering.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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