Ceremony - Epilogue

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Hera stood with us in front of the rows of Gods and Goddesses. Eros' mother and father were in the immediate front, more interested in flirting with each other than giving us their devoted attention. 

It doesn't matter. Eros holds both of my hands in his as we pledge our promise of eternal love for one another.

I barely remember the words as I am saying them, but I am thankful to experience something so otherworldly.

Hera proclaims us man and wife, and my husband brings me in to kiss him in front of everyone that may wish have wished us failure. With him looking at me, it's become just the two of us. Just as it was meant to be.

He kisses me as the crowd cheers, Zeus' booming voice eclipsing them all as he announces the next step of the ceremony.

"We are also going to be welcoming our newest Goddess!" Zeus holds a large chalice out towards me.

I accepted, my hands shaking as I took a gulp of the blue liquid. It stung my lips and tasted sweet all at once. It was intoxicating most of all.

This must be what they call ambrosia. I finished it with a cough before the dizziness slowly came over me.

"Psyche, the Goddess of Souls!"

I wiped my mouth, wishing to sit more than anything. My scan of the room, desperate for a chair, only led me to find my feet hovering above ground.

I cannot sit, after all. I am not even standing.

My eyes light up and find Eros, grabbing his hand for support, as if I were about to float away.

He brings me back down to the floor, chuckling at my disbelief. "You'll learn quickly, my Goddess..."

I nodded in agreement, my heart pounding. It really has ended, hasn't it? The fear of death and mortality. The abandonment and the tests. Is it finally the time to live peacefully? What does that even mean? 

Looking at him, I know there is much to learn besides flying. But it will be worth it. 

Before we leave, I see Hermes smirking, leaning back in his chair at one of the tables. I didn't catch him before, but I know for certain that he has some reason to feel pride. 

I'll hope to interrogate him someday about it. 

*             *              *   

I awoke in my own bed the following morning, and every morning after. Not alone, not with an invisible man, but with Eros.

The tension subsided after some time. More than a few apologies were given. Thankfully, we know we have all the time in the world to move on together, to form a family together.

Eros patiently taught me to fly, but I kept to the ground near the end of my pregnancy. When the time neared, my sister's returned for a visit, bringing their own sheepish apologies with them. Once they saw him for themselves they had nothing left to say. 

When the day finally came for our daughter to arrive, my heart filled like never before. Reuniting with Eros was nothing compared to this feeling. It almost felt as if I had fought so hard for her, not only for him.

Hedone, we named her. Joy of the highest measure. Nothing else could describe her.  She had golden hair and big sapphire eyes, bringing happiness wherever she went. As she grew, her voice even became sweet enough to lull me to sleep. 

The bond between us rapidly grew into something beautifully irreplaceable, and her relationship with her father was no different. Seeing them together even now, playing in the garden while Hermes spills more of his gossip, I can't imagine life being any other way. 

"Aphrodite has started an affair with Dionysus," he indulges me. After all, it's been long enough since the wedding for Ares to disappear once again out of her life to pursue his passions.

Despite leaving the past behind us, I can't help but laugh at the thought. "I'm sure Hera is thrilled with her." 

"Oh, very. I hear she has plans to curse her next child. It will be a heinous, ugly thing." Hermes carries on, while I smile distantly. 

"Improbable to have an ugly thing come from Aphrodite," I answer. She is the mother to most beautiful God I had ever seen, and grandmother to the most beautiful girl.

Hermes shrugs. "The wine and company must be amazing though. I can't say I blame her." 

"His wine is indeed marvelous." I find myself agreeing. 

It doesn't matter. It's fun to agree and listen and enjoy the peace I have found myself in. The rest of them are just a story to me now, just as they were before while I remained human. I never plan to be a part of another of their myths. I wish the same for my daughter. If I can help it. 

Eros sends me a mischievous smile through the window facing the garden. Hermes only groans at our subtle glance of affection. 

Hedone is sitting atop the statue of his mother, holding onto her shoulders without barely an idea of who the woman is that she is clinging to. We tell her she is family, regardless. That's enough for now. 

We don't need reunite with her again quite yet. Neither do we need to return to Olympus, as long as we have this home. The home I plan forever to stay.

*The End*

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