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  Hi my name is jake, and it's been about 15 years since I retardedly chose to drive a Yeerk bug ship into a blade ship outta dumb and unexplained reasons because my "overload Mrs. Applegate" made me do so, soo where to leave off?
Whamm!! "Ahh shit, Jake you fucking retard!!" Marco shouted through a haze of the crash aftermath. "I thought you made it clear this type of rash shit decision making is what you said you would avoid this time?"
"Haha well you know me Marco, I've deteriorated so much mentally I can't cope with reality unless I fuck things up intentionally, yuck yuck" I spewed half serious while picking my self up.
I took a sharp glacé around to discover everyone except Marco, Tobias and I where all dead.
"I think I shit my pants on impact" Marco declared
"Lovely" Tobias rang back morphing human as to maneuver around better.
"Haha you dumb shit humans really thought ramming a advanced alien ship for which you have no knowledge of its hypothetically superior metal and technology would actually work?" The ones thought speak sang loudly
"Ahh fuck now your gonna finish us off huh?" Marco replied
"No, in fact I'm going to been you back to earth because reasons"
"Or because no fanfic could ever work with pickin up where things left off?" I asked
"Yup, that's about right" the one agreed
Everything went a completely new color I've never seen before and suddenly our ship was sent back to earth landing just off the coast of California, probly for convenience
After we crashed into the ocean we waited for the coast guard to arrive and bring us three back onto land and drive us to the army base
"Gee Jake that sure was a close one back their" Marco said
"Yeah it was, but then why am I sad?" Tobias chimed in, Marco glanced over at Tobias and then back at Jake
"Well at least no one got hurt" I finally replied
"Except the others in the ship we just spent six months getting to know very closely from being in such limited space with" Marco threw back at me
"Oh maybe that's why I'm sad" Tobias said out loud
"Their where other people on that ship?" I said with genuine confusion
"Yeah two andilites and two of your students, one I came pretty close to bending over the railing on the bridge a few times"
"She reminded me of Rachel" Tobias interjected
Marco looked at Tobias and raised his hand a bit "hey man where kinda trying to talk here"
"Was she the one with the dough eyes, and the butter face?" I exclaimed
"Dude she was the only girl aboard the ship" Marco sneered squinting his eyes in confusion
"God I'm just so sad" Tobias whined
"Maybe that crash fucked up your head a bit Jake"
"Am I even human? Or a freak of nature, possibly a unholy abomination, god what am I??" Tobias interrupted Marco
"I think I'm fine, I can't say the same for bird buddy over their" I said
Marco replied slightly quieter "hey don't encourage captain meltdown, I've heard enough of his existential reality crises checks and random fits of depression from the last six months on that ship"
"I AM THE BOY INSIDE THE HAWK!!!" Tobias started to cheer over and over manically laughing until our driver finally turned around and yelled "for the love of fuck, shut the hell up!!! I can't believe the earth was saved by you fucking misanthropes!"
The rest of the trip was spent by me and Marco remaining silent while Tobias morphed human so he could tuck his arms around his knees and shake in his seat back and fourth.
What Marco said kinda stuck with me, did the crash really fuck up my head?
It certainly couldn't have been to healthy to ram into that ship, i pondered if I should morph real quick to heal myself but then decided not to, because after all I'm the leader of the animorphs, nothing could be wrong with me mentally unless it was sever depression, and I've already been diagnosed for that so the worst is over, I happily enjoyed the rest of the ride to the base, except the constant smell of Marcos shited pants.
Once at the army base we met up with a Lieutenant named  Morris Ferd. "So your mission was a failure?"
"Yes sir!" I replied with unintentional glee, he stared a puzzled look
"Right, uhh the alien helper outer woman from YellowStone is here to see all three of you"
Just then Cassie opened the door into the room and ran up to hug me, I embraced the hug happily
"I'm so glad your alright" she rang, a second hung before I replied and reality hit me all at once, her new boy friend, the strain the war had on us, we were not a thing anymore, just barely friends with conflicting opinions in every topic imaginable. I let go of her and stepped back a bit, reveling my discomfort.
"Marco!!" She squeaked and proceeded to hug him
"Hey since when did I become a tree?" Marco sarcasticly joked as he squeezed her back, then Cassie looked at Tobias who was in his human morph, she went in for the hug and the two instantly broke down and cried.. And why wouldn't they?
They still felt, even if they were soft, they still had this empathy and understanding I seemed to have lost, I felt hollow, a shell of a person once named Jake. When I wake up in the morning and shake last nights hangover off and stand in the mirror to jerk out the early morning load, all I see is the shell, he is me, and I am nothing, just fleshy exterior.
"What happened to all of you up their?" Cassie questioned
"Jake told dick nuts to ram our ship into the Yeerk blade ship after ax got eaten or infused with some sort of alien dude" Marco replied
"Ax is dead?" Cassie shrieked
"My family members keep dying on me!!" Tobias broke out with another cry while Cassie started to cry again and Marco look pathetically at the pair. I only stared at the two, arms wrapped around each other and tears streaming down their face, for a long while I haven't been good at handling other people when they get emotional, I have sever depression but I haven't cried in almost two years now. A bit of panic shot threw me as I needed to get the emotions to calm for my own sake "soo Cassie why are you at the base?" I asked
"When you three left the military decided to forcefully relocate me here just in case you decided to get your selves killed or something, being the only morph able human is a big deal" Cassie explained
Awkwardly I stumbled over my next words "oh uh better safe than sorry"
"Yeah I thought they were never gonna let me go, I figured you weren't gonna make it after the first five months you were all gone, I figured I would become a prisoner here"
"Better food than prison" Marco joked
Tobias spoke almost whispering "I eat rats"
"Speaking of food, Jake we should get some dinner sometime" Cassie remarked cutting the dead air of Tobias's statement
"Uhh maybe Marco, Tobias either of you hungry?"
"I meant like me and you sometime" Cassie clarified
"Oh uh w- what about what's his vegan?" I tried to ask  nonchalant
"We broke up" she stated
"Why? Wouldn't eat your roast beef you got down their??" Marco cracked pointing at her snatch, then his eyes widened as he understood his joke may have had racial implications, his mouth dropped as the silence grew longer, finally Cassie laughed. I couldn't tell if it was real or fake.
"No it's rather embarrassing why we split up"
"Pregnant?" I asked jarringly
"Cheating?" Marco pryd
"No he.. He wanted to" Cassie swallowed hard and sighed "he wanted to sodomize me" she explained with her voice a bit lower
Marco cracked up while Tobias just froze up and turned around completely
"I thought you hippies like to plant seeds in the dirt" Marco spewed still laughing
"Did you?" I asked with obvious enthusiasm
Cassie heard me but ignored me and told Marco to "eat shit"
"I would but yours would have to much extra protein for me, big Hollywood stars gotta watch our figures ya know cass?" Marco replied
"Us Hawks need all the protein we can get .. In the wild" Tobias said still turned around from the group
"Tobias your not a- never mind" Cassie stopped mid sentence
"So anyone still hungry?" I asked trying to change the subject for Cassie's pride
"Ahh Jake your the only one that could hear about eating Cassie's cum laced poop and still have an appetite" Marco said with disgust
I didn't have a proper response to this
"If none of you are hungry I got something that could help" Cassie then pulled out a bag of weed from her denim overalls
"Yes, Cassie your a god send!!" Marco excitedly announced
"Well melanoma has its advantages" she replied smiling, you see the alien war had forced a lot of the world to get much more liberal quicker, theirs still a lot of conservatism but it's dying out what with the aliens and religion ideology conflicting, not to say the two things can't be the same.
"I thing some weed would ease my suffering" Tobias sombered
"Ehh I'm not sure, i haven't ever smoked the marry jay before" I unconfidently stammered
"It'll be good for you" Cassie reassured me
Cassie lead us into a back room where she used to smoke in the base, she packed a bowl and asked "who wants greens?"
"That'd be me" Marco replied taking the pipe gently and began to light it. Marco had only begun smoking weed a few years back, I guess having a big celebrity life can change people a bit, although I'm not sure whether or not he used any harder drugs. Marco passed the pipe to me. I took a hit and coughed after holding it in for about half a second "oh damn, that's harsh" I cracked threw the coughs, and passed the pipe to Tobias.
"Haven't smoked much?" Cassie questioned
"Naa, I try to keep a clear mind"
"Yeah jakes a real square" Marco said half hearted
Tobias took his hit and made a small crowing noise from the back of his throat
"Well from what we did in the war I think maybe it's best we not keep clear minds" Cassie pointed out
"My minds mine, isn't yours?" I pondered out loud but aimed towards Cassie
"Haha you feelin ok?" Marco asked
"Are you?" I replied
"Of course" he shot back taking his second hit, then passing the pipe to me, I lit it's and the ashes gave out and flew down my throat, I freaked a bit.
"It just take a shit on you?" Cassie asked
"Yup" i spewed handing the pipe back, I looked over at Tobias who seemed to have his arms at his side but was flapping his hands just barely, and very slowly, he met my gaze and "ca-cah"  he screamed at my face while lunging forward, this freaked me out but he sank back in his seat laughing "I'm just givin ya shit Jake" he muttered
"This is my friend circle now.. Dear god help me" Cassie joked while packing another bowl
"Naa not all of us" Marco said almost wanting no one else to hear him, but we did
"Your right, Rachel and ax should be here" Tobias said matching Marcos downish tone.
Cassie passed the pipe to me, and I took another hit
"I bet if they were here, they'd know what to do" I stammered to get out, then passed the pipe
"How you figure? Rachel's solution would be to hit the fucking thing we saw up their in the face" Marco said
"But IF she where here... She would be a ghost.." I seemed to get their attention with that remark
Cassie shivered "let's not talk about ghosts"
"Naa I think Jake is on to something cass, I mean you got possessed by one once with the horks" Marco stated
"We do the ritual again-"
"And I can get to talk to Rachel!" Tobias interjected
"Well no, ya but no, she could tell us what the hell that thing was up their with her spooky ghost knowledge" I corrected
"Theirs our old Jake!!" Marco cheered
"Wait but guys.. I'm not going, I can't" Cassie said to me
"What? Why??" I sharply asked
" I have to go back to Yellowstone now that your back, the hork bajiers need me" she replied
"But I thought.. Dinner.. And .. And don't you have melanoma anyway??" I questioned intensely
"Yeah it's actually pretty sever, the doctor says I only have five months to a couple years but I figured I'd either wait it out with you Jake or I"d go back to Yellowstone and be with them, until it takes me" she said looking at me with sadness
"Cassie theirs more to life than a bunch of whore cashiers, they'll be fine if you come with me" I remarked
"Hork bajiers, and no it's not about them, it's about me and what I want"
I could hear the frustration in her voice
"Yeah? And what about what I want Cassie?!" I yelled
"Or what I want.." Tobias whispered to himself audible enough for us to hear
"Shut up Tobias" Cassie said politely
"And what you WANT Jake, is to run around saving the world with me and the rest of us with you, even though you can't handle doing it anymore, it's not the same as it used to be, the war chewed is up and spit us out and now look at us, where not fit to save anyone anymore, yet alone ourselves"
Marco remained silent as I glanced at him, I turned back to Cassie
"I know I've made steaks-" I started
"Made steaks??.. You sent enough handi capped children to their deaths to fill up a god damn short bus Jake, that's not a steak" Cassie interrupted me, the words cut deep into me.
"Listen, I can either stay hear with you, and we can take care of each other for the remaining time I have, or you can go off playing hero with Marco and Tobias and I go home, you can tell me your answer tomorrow, I'm going to my room" Cassie said almost starting to cry as she gathered up her stuff, but when she reached for the bag of weed Marco said "hold up on that, here's a fifty if I keep the bag" cassie just shrugged and left, leaving Marco to put his money back in his pocket and then start to load another bowl.
"Is she wrong?" I asked
"No but she's not exactly right either" Tobias chimed in
"Jake your my friend, but we are all slipping, crumbling, starting to reduce into damaged people, it's never gonna be like before, and were never gonna be well adjusted adults, were broken Jake. All of us." Marco said to me then handed me the pipe, I took another hit.

ANIMORPHS REDUX (A Schittymcfanfic story)Where stories live. Discover now