Chapter 2: Finding Purpose

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Some days had passed since the events in Vaizel. Okami was undergoing meditations to ensure "he" doesn't take control again. As for the others they were discussing with Guila and Jericho about what they had just gone through and they were feeling terrible at what they had done. However, Griamore comes running in.

Griamore: EVERYONE!!!

Meliodas: Woah, what's with the screaming?

Griamore: Princess Veronica, she...

Everyone begins heading to where Veronica was laying only to see her awake and looking out the window. She soon turns towards them, smiling as she does so.

Veronica: *Smiles* Hey Eli.

Elizabeth tears up and runs towards her, hugging her with all of her strength, worried she would lose her again if she did. With all that happening Okami walks up, confused on what all the screaming was about.

Okami: What is going on? 

He then sees that Veronica is okay and would be shocked. He knew she died, he felt it and yet... That's when his eyes widened as he soon senses the energy coming from Elizabeth. She has a great power within her, one that allowed her to save her sister's life. Okami approaches Veronica as she notices him.

Veronica: Hey there. You doing okay? I heard you got pretty messed up.

Okami simply pats her head while he hides his tears.

Okami: Heh, if you could shrug off a point blank explosion, I can shrug off getting thrown into a mountain-side. 

Veronica: Hey quit patting my head!

Okami: Nah.

The group continue talking until eventually they settle down in a decent area. Elizabeth puts on a piece of cloth over her head to hide her identity. Hawk also ends up going with her. Okami proceeds to walk off into the forest.

Meliodas: Where are you going?

Okami: Getting the lay of the land. That and getting something to eat.

Ban: Guess we could have a competition. Let's see who can hunt the most.

Meliodas: Alright!

Okami: I only hunt Predators.

Ban: Why?

Okami: Because they taste more delicious. That and it makes me feel powerful. So you two have fun with your little contest. Tonight, I feast.

Jericho: Sheesh, what are you some kind of Wolf?

Okami: My name is Okami Kuro. It literally translates to "Black Wolf".

Guila: Oh.

Okami proceeds into the forest to get his meal. While Ban and Meliodas find ingredients. 

Okami was walking through the woods looking for his meal. He would pass by several wolves as they stayed out of each other's way. Eventually Okami passes by a river as he takes a drink from the river. He then senses a demonic presence nearby, though he would be confused as he also sensed a human energy fighting against the demonic energy.

Okami: "Must be like how Guila and Jericho were affected. Only this one is barely hanging on. I need to hurry."

???: "*Chuckles* Aww, look at you. You think you're a hero now, huh? You're not who you were brat."

Okami: "Oh you're still here."

???: "You can't ignore me forever. After all, you never could make it far when you were on your own. You're only here now because of me."

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