Hell's Pass

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The next day, when you first woke up all that you could think about was yesterday's game. You were extremely worried for the injuries that the boys had received for fighting North Park again, it was definitely worse than the first fight's results. Before you'd head over to the Hospital, you stopped by Craig's house to retrieve something before visiting the boy. 

Truthfully, you had no idea what to expect when walking in that room. Was he going to be mad at you, relieved to see you? What if he was going to scold you for being a dumbass and siding with North Park for a game? Well, whatever it was... you'd let him get it off his chest, you couldn't get over the fact that he and Kyle both fought for your own safety and wellbeing. Kyle on the other hand... Your heart still ached. 

You sped walked to the hospital with a blanket in your grasp. You couldn't help but worry about the boys, you couldn't say anything to them or see them before they got whisked away in the ambulances. You weren't sure if you wanted to stop by somewhere to grab them something to eat, what if they were hungry because the Hospital food was garbage? Maybe you'd ask them that when you got to their bedside. 

Walking through the main entrance of the big building, you stood in front of the receptionist who was busy talking on the phone. "Yeah so, Martha had told me that she was having suspicion that her husband was cheating on her, right? Well, what she didn't know was that she's talking to the mistress herself." The receptionist couldn't help but laugh at her own remark. "I'm telling you, she's not the brightest." 

"Um... excuse me?" You hated to interrupt the receptionist, but you really were eager to get to the boys' room. Even though you spoke up, the woman was still far too busy on the phone with her friend. However, it seems like she did listen to you. 

"What?" The receptionist asked as she dramatically put her phone call on hold to assist you. "No loitering, you know that's Hospital rules." She remarked, now glaring in your direction. It's like your existence was a nuisance to her, how dare you interrupt her gossiping session during work hours. 

"I'm the visitor for Tucker." You decided to bite your tongue and not make any responses that would hinder you from seeing the boys any longer. "If I could just get their room number, I'll be on my way."

"416." The receptionist spoke as she typed a few things a bit obnoxiously on the keyboard in front of her on the desk. She then reached over and took the phone off of mute and spoke to her friend again. "So anyway..." 

Turning on your heel, you went over to the elevator beside the receptionist's desk, and clicked on the '4' button. Riding up the elevator, you couldn't help but feel a little nervous to see the boys in hospital beds because of you guys. This could've been avoided. It really, really could have been avoided. The elevator doors opened as it stopped on the 4th floor, allowing you to exit. You looked to the right and saw that the numbers on the rooms were ranging from 410 to 418. Looking down at the blanket you held, you made your way up to room 416. 

Standing in front of the door, you knocked on it a few times before walking inside. Inside, you were able to see that the three boys were sharing the room. Stan, Kyle, and Craig were all in their own beds as they all stared at the small TV across the room with a boring television show on. From the small bit you saw on the TV, it looked like a show that had a man trying to sell cheap jewelry for ridiculous prices. 

"Tell the nurse to fuck off, I'm not ready for more medicine." Stan groaned as he pulled a blanket over his head trying to hide himself from whoever had walked through the door. 

"You can't get rid of me that easily." You replied to Stan, closing the door behind you and walking up to Craig's bedside. "Craig...?" You couldn't help but frown as he glanced over in your direction, a couple bruises and scratches were visible on his face. What really worried you the most was that his head was wrapped in a few bandages, he must've really gone at it. You couldn't help it, the tears burned your eyes as you tried to calm yourself and not embarrass yourself in front of the others. "God damn, Craig I'm so sorry....!" 

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now