Part 1

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Hey yalllll
I'm back with another book hope yall like this one as much as you like the other two.

This book also contains some very descriptive sex scenes so if you have a problem with that stop reading😂🤷🏾‍♀️



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LANA's pov

"Mia come on your nanny's finna be here soon," I say tryna get these pants on the hyper active baby as she runs from my room to hide.

"You can't find meeee," she says in her little cute squeaky voice.

I know she's in the kitchen hiding in some cupboard somewhere. This is not the first time she has done this. She always does this when it's time for her to go home.

"Really now, okay then I guess I'm gonna go since I can't find you," I say entering the kitchen and seeing her little self under the sink with her hands covering her eyes. Little miss here believes the "if I can't see her then she can't see me" method.

"Nooo Lana don't leave I'm right here," she says in a panicking voice. I don't even have to do a lot to convince her little 4 year old brain.

"I got you!," I say as I snatch her in my arms and tickle her. She starts bursting into cute giggles as I make her sit on the kitchen counter.

"I don't wanna go home Lana!," she wines as I put on her pants.

"I know Stinky but you're going to see me again next weekend," I say kissing her forehead. I didn't want her to go either, if I could babysit her forever I would.

I have been babysitting Mia since last year. I had gotten this job with the help of my best friend Cleo when I needed to move out of my toxic household and get my own apartment. I couldn't wait til I turned 18 and get out of there and thank goodness I finally got the guts and money to. It didn't take that long for me to stack up because Mia's parents pay really good money since they're filthy rich plus I do hair.

I've only met Mia's mom since her dad is always overseas somewhere working and comes back here and there. I saw her the first day they interviewed me for the job. They're a pretty young couple but are super successful and that's what I kinda wanna be too. Be 19 and fucking rich!

I don't only babysit I also do nails and hair and have the hopes to open my own salon after I'm done with cosmetology school. I'm just stacking up my cash right now but we finna get to where we wanna get with patience you feel me.

"Next week is sooooo far and I don't wanna go to mommy's house she's so boring," she says with a pout.

"Oop girl you messy," I say laughing. I get where she's coming from though. Her mom, Mrs Darren is always busy with work and her dad is always on the road or also working so she normally has no one to hang out with. That's why I make so much money from this baby sitting gig because they are always so busy to spend time with her but I understand, they're rich asses gotta stay rich I guess.

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