Chapter one, Flowers

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Pigboygames was a simple pig. He enjoyed walking around the gardens of the small village he lived in. He also enjoyed visiting his pet octopus, named Octo. Octo didn't talk, but he was company all the same. Pigboy was often a bit lonely. It didn't bother him much, though.

He quite liked being alone. When he was alone, he didn't have to worry about being made fun of or other people's feelings towards him. He could just be himself, and that's what he liked. He would walk alone in the gardens, starting at what he loved the most out of all things. Flowers.

They were the most beautiful thing to him. He loved to sit down and look at all of the different colors of the verity of flowers. He also enjoyed looking at all of the different sizes and shapes the flowers come in. He loved all flowers, but his favorite flowers were blue cornflowers. He knew the name sounded funny, but he liked them just the same.

The flowers looked beautiful and calming planted in their neat rows in the village gardens. Pigboy would often stop to smell the flowers as well.

My Wildflower~ A Pigboygames fan fiction حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن