CHAPTER 12: Free Day

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Chimon: spoiled kid!

Perth: anyways let me ask my dad for everything okay?

Chimon: can't you just buy it online

Perth: tracking.

Chimon: oh so he's just going to buy it

Perth: yeah and make one of his staff bring it to us alright?

Chimon: can't wait!!

Chimon's POV:

I was lying on our bed when someone rang the doorbell I knew that was the staff that Perth talked about.

Perth: I will get it

Perth opens and takes things from the staff it was boxes of stuff

Chimon: so much?!

Perth: yeah my dad goes all out.

Chimon: good!

Perth: c'mon let's open these boxes

Chimon: Okay!

I get off the bed and help Perth open all the boxes on the ground

Perth: oh look it's your art stuff

Chimon: so much!

Perth: yeah but where should we set it up?

Chimon: um how about over in the corner?

Perth: sure but let's open the rest

Chimon: okay

Perth: here is our cooking stuff

Chimon: and baking

Perth: so those 4 boxes are art supplies and these are cooking and baking so that big one is my guitar

Chimon: open it!

Perth: okay

Perth opens it to find a shiny red electric guitar with all the necessities

Perth: oh my it's... perfect!

Chimon: wow!

Perth: I love it but we should set up

Chimon: okay

Perth: help me move all of these boxes

Chimon: Alright baby

Perth: what?!

Chimon: oh nothing

Perth and I started to set up we put everything in the perfect place helping each other but one thing was on my mind... we were in a room alone plus what was gonna happen here?

Perth: chimon are you okay?

Chimon: oh yeah I'm fine

Perth: well we are done

Chimon: looks good

Perth: yeah I'm too lazy to set up the other things plus it is the evening why not do it tomorrow

Chimon: what are we going to do?

Perth: anything.

Chimon: what?!

Perth: like a movie or something

Chimon: oh

Perth: but let me shower

Chimon: okay

Perth grabs a towel and walks into the bathroom leaving me alone in silence thinking about what is gonna happen were we gonna... or was Perth not like that a lot of people are like that just date you for sex just make you feel like you love them and only comes to you when they need you making us think that how love is... when it's not why? Are people that desperate for sex what's so special about it? It's just making love and sometimes it is not to the person that you love the most but how does it feel when it is the person you love the most? Does it feel good? I wonder what it feels like I have never had a feeling when I do it even to a person I'm dating it is just a hot feeling I never loved every piece of it. hearing moans from random girls I get from the club because every girl I have dated was just not my type or I wasn't satisfied with them weird there wasn't really a feeling but I stopped that because I got used...

Perth: chimon I'm done are you going to shower?

Chimon: oh yea-

I turned over to look at Perth he looked so... fine he had no shirt on just the towel covering his bottom half

Perth: Why are you looking at me

Chimon: oh um nothing

Perth: what you wanna do something or what

Chimon: no I think?

Perth: what do you mean u think?

Chimon: well I have never had it with a guy and never had been a bottom you know?

Perth: yeah but if you wanna.

He started getting closer and closer I couldn't move I was like frozen just staring at him wanting to experience that feeling wanting him to touch me with his warm and soft hands all over me but was it so early to do this I wanted to feel him in me that's all I wished for. I stood up from the bed until we were so close that our lips almost touched I just wanted to feel those lips everywhere over me

Perth: so?

Perth starts to touch my waist while I stare up at him. I know that he had nothing under that towel this could go further than right now

Chimon: I need to shower

Perth: fine

He lets me go while I walk into the bathroom why didn't I take that chance? I just take off my clothes and get into the shower washing my hair, body, and face when I was done I walk out into the room to get my clothes for my suitcase because we haven't put our clothes in the closet

Perth: what drama do you want to watch

Chimon: whatever

Perth: romcom?

Chimon: sure

I changed in the closet so Perth wouldn't see me I was wearing a black oversized T-shirt and black shorts that you could even see while Perth was wearing a black T-shirt and brown shorts. I walked out and sat next to Perth

Chimon: that's what we are gonna watch

Perth: yeah

Chimon: Alright

I got closer to Perth but he laid down so I decided to lie down too we were close to each other so he put his arm over me so we were cuddling I put my leg over his legs touching his dick I waited for him to notice but he didn't so I went up I bit more I could feel him get hard and he let out a groan he was busy staring at my leg so I started to go up more until he grabbed my thigh

Chimon: what?

Perth: u know what you're doing

Chimon: um I don't

Perth: then why is ur knee touching my dick

Chimon: I didn't notice

I took my leg off of him trying not to make eye contact. But he pins me to the bed grabbing my wrists

Perth: I know u wanna have sex

Chimon: what are u saying

Perth: I'm not stupid

We started to make out until we were grasping for air while our saliva mixed together Perth giving me a minute to breathe I wanted more and more

Perth: wait do you wanna have sex or not because I can stop

Chimon: don't please I want ur body all over mine I want to know how it feels like! Please let's keep on going!

1090 SORRY it took so long I had so a lot of tests and STATE TESTING IS NEXT WEEK AH😭 so it might take long but I will try.😊

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