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I'm startled awake by an awful loud banging noise.

"Up and at 'em!" I hear Calli yell, followed by more banging.

I look out the window and see the sky is just barely starting to lighten.

Apollo gets it worse. He jumps so high that he falls out of the bed.

"Zeus almighty!" He wails. "What was that?"

Calli pokes her head in, covering her eyes. "Breakfast in five."

"You wretched girl!" Apollo throws a pillow at Calli, which she can't see since she's covering her eyes.

She tisks. "That was rude. No bacon for you." With that, she disappears from the doorway.

"Wait!" Apollo yells after her. "I'm sorry! I'd love some bacon!"

I get up and join Calli in the kitchen. Calypso is already there, dressed and ready to go. She must have borrowed some clothes from Calli because she's in a pair of running shorts and a very Calli-like t-shirt that reads Hola Beaches.

The two girls are sipping coffee and chatting like old friends when I arrive, which is a strange sight to see. When they notice me, they glance at each other and laugh.

"What's this-" I wiggle my finger between the two of them, "-that's going on here?"

Calli ignores my question. Instead, she reaches in the fridge and tosses me an energy drink. "Here. I know you don't like coffee."

"Oh, uh, thanks." I sit down at the counter and Calli serves me a plate of eggs and bacon. Beside me, I see two big sheet pans. The clear source of my morning alarm.

I glance over at Calli, ready to make a sarcastic comment, but I see she's examining me, similar to how I'd look at a broken car engine or malfunctioning automaton.

"What?" I ask, giving her my best goofy grin.

"Nothing." She shakes her head and walks by me, glancing at Calypso. I wonder what they were talking about before I came in?

"Apollo!" She yells into the hallway.

"I don't like this." Apollo comes out of the room, dressed in swim trunks. "I would not mind if I still had my gorgeous godly body, but Zeus has cursed me with flab.

"Oh, you poor thing." Calli pouts.

Apollo rolls his eyes. "Spare me your pity. Look at you! You're gorgeous!"

He's not wrong. Calli is wearing a pair of tight black biker shorts and a sports bra, with just a zip-up hoodie overtop. The outfit very effectively shows off her feminine curves and muscular abdomen.

Calli rolls her eyes. "This doesn't come easily. This comes from hard work every day."

"I know!" Apollo tells her. "It must be awful!"

Calli chuckles. "It's easier when you're training demigods on a regular basis. You do a lot of exercise."

Apollo sits himself down beside me. Calli hands him a cup of coffee and his own plate, which I notice has bacon on it. A kind gesture, considering he beamed her with that pillow.

"Coffee?" Apollo sniffs the drink. "I haven't had coffee in- hey! How come Valdez gets a redbull?"

"Last one, sorry." Calli shrugs. "Eat up. You guys are going to need all the energy you can get."

"Why?" I frown. "I thought we were just playing volleyball?"

There's that mischievous glimmer that Calli gets. "We're pretty serious about our volleyball. A lot of the campers get really competitive."

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