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Here we are now, Jordan, Max, Jayden and me. We just entered a new part of the maze. We've been stuck in this maze for two years roaming around and trying to get a feel for the Maze. Now that we know our own way around the maze, There was this one place in the maze that was different from all the others we saw and discovered. We stayed there most of the time and that is where we always met up at the end of the night, we woke up and we went to sleep there. That way if anything happens to one of us the rest of us know. We have been going through the maze looking for supplies. We needed to salvage the little supplies we could find. Most days we would go without two meals or we would go 4 days without water. I know that a human can go 3 weeks without food and one week without water before their organs start shutting down on them. We can only find what other people left behind, which means we weren't the first ones here. We have been up and down and sideways everyday looking for exit or some other way to escape. But all we found was nothing. No food, No water, No way out. We've been freezing in the winter. Dying in the hot summers. Well, here is a little bit about myself. I am 15. My name is Taylor. I have blonde hair with blood red streaks and hazel eyes. Max is my friend and Jordan is my half sister and Jayden is my twin brother. Jordan is 14 and Has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Max is 16 and has Brown hair with blue eyes. Jayden is 15 and has blonde hair and hazel eyes, like me. Except he decided to not dye it like me. He always compliments me, but come on. I am his twin. I know when he is lying.

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