Page 2: First Sight

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I'd just turned 4, the air was breathable and fresh; I could feel it rustling my short blonde hair. It felt good, I enjoyed it. My family came over for my birthday, I loved my life. It was peaceful and easy. I didn't know what was going to happen next, all I knew was that I wasn't worried about the future. I was ready for whatever and I didn't care. I knew I was strong and I believed in myself. The door opened and that same gush of wind came through. This time it was my friends. Sadie and Alexa and a few others, "Happy birthday Vics!" Alexa said happily. "Happy birthday Vicky!" Sadie had said directly after Alexa. I gestured at them to come over, "My dad made me a bear cave out of boxes!" I said happily and joyful. "Really!? Cool!" Sadie and Alexa replied. I sighed, "It was to make up for him not being here." I looked down sadly. I was sure he'd be home more. I guess not though, he wasn't even here for my party. Let alone my daycare graduation a week ago. He was never there... Ever.... It was like he was out of the picture. I never saw him, and when I did he would sleep or play video games. I knew that he loved me, but he never was able to show it. I missed him A lot.

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