Chapter 5

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I play with the ring on my finger lost in thoughts, I'd never thought I'd be kidnapped and forced to be married when I ran away from home. But as crazy as it sounds, it's much safer here than at my Uncle and Aunt's house. That's so sad to say. After my 'wedding' I retreated to my room because I just needed to be alone and process everything.

But a sound from outside caught my attention, I looked outside my bedroom window and opened it to hear more quickly. The sound of a cat coming from the big tree in the front of the house, is it stuck? The cat meow's sounded so sad, I can't just leave it there. I didn't waste time and quickly walked down the stairs and out of the house without shoes.

Thomas POV

*Thump Thump Thump* 

The sound of my uncle's cane pounding the floor caught my attention, he must need me again. I finished cutting the last of the meat and went upstairs to see what he needed. I went to the living room where he always is because he couldn't go anywhere when I had to cut off his leg. 

"Your wife just went outside."

Outside!? No no is she going to try and leave me again? I didn't want her to leave me. I quickly went out the front door and looked around, I thought I'd see her running away in the distance, but instead, I heard her grunts. I turn my head and see her attempt to climb our big tree. And not doing well, I climbed that tree a lot when I was a kid and she's never climbed one before.

I can tell she has been trying for a while now, her hands and feet are dirty and her legs have some tiny scratches on them, what is she even trying to do?


"Okay...I think I'm getting the hang of this."

I climbed up the tree again and got to the branch I finally wanted to be at, if I got on this branch I could reach the kitten. As I put a little bit of pressure on it, it snapped.


I thought I'd feel the hard impact of the ground but instead, I was caught. I look up to see Thomas catching me before I fall and he looks super confused. He looks at my scratched-up legs and whimpers.

"No no! I'm okay it's just a scratch. Do you see that baby kitty up there?"

I pointed up and his eyes followed where I pointed and now he finally knew what I was trying to do so without a second thought, he lifted me and put me on his shoulders like I was nothing. I grip his hair and squish his head with my thighs.

"W-woah! High high! I'm so high! Thomas, you're so tall."

Once I stopped shaking and adjusted to my new height I tried to reach for the black cat.

"Come on, honey. It's ok, I'm here to help. You'll be safe with me."

Eventually, the cat jumped into my arms, and I held it close to my body but once I got a good look at the cat my eyes widened. His right arm was badly bleeding, it looked like he had an open cut. 

"Oh no. Thomas put me down please."

Once he gently set me down, I showed him the cat who was sadly meowing and obviously in pain. 

"Please we need to help it, do you have any needle and thread to fix his arm? Like what you guys did to me! "

Thomas looked at me and the kitten who was in pain. He put his hands on my back and lightly pushed me again telling me to go back to the house. Once we were in he pointed to the kitchen, I'm guessing he wanted me to wait there. I watched him disappear in the basement and I took a seat at the dining table holding the cat close. 

Seeing the kitty all dirty and beaten up made me sad, it reminded me of myself, the time when I lost my parents. If I can't save this kitten in time, I'll never forgive myself and suddenly I feel tears start to fall on my cheeks. I felt a big hand gently rubbing my shoulders and it was Thomas, for a big guy he's really quiet when he wants to be. 

He waited at the table and I did as he 'said' and placed the black cat on the table. He took the needle and started to stitch it, right when he started the cat let out an angry meow and scratched Thomas's hands but he didn't even flinch, he just kept going until he finished. We washed the blood off rubbed disinfectant on the cut and finally let it rest. I couldn't help but cry a little, knowing I saved it. 

"Stop that crying you, whore! Get that damn rat out of here or I'll shoot it."

I looked at Hoyt and before I said anything, Thomas held me close and growled at his Uncle. It's weird how safe and comforted when it comes to his presence. Thomas pointed at the cat and then at me.

"You want her to keep that ugly thing!?"

He nods and looks down at me, I give him a big smile and hug his arm which makes him tense up a bit. 

"He is my husband, is he says to keep the cat, I need to do as he said. Aren't you the one who told Thomas that a husband should be the one to call the shots?"

I sent him a mocking grin and Hoyt looked at me furiously, he seemed to hate that I dared to talk to him like that. But he turned his gaze to Thomas who was still glaring at him, Hoyt grunted in anger and walked away. I finally relax my shoulders and take a deep breath. 

"Thank you so much, Thomas. I didn't mean to get so emotional, it's just the cat reminded of me the day my parents... never mind. Just thank you, you're my hero."

Thomas POV 

'You're my hero' it made me shiver. I've always been told I was a freak and a monster, I'd never thought I'd be someone's hero. Especially for such a beautiful girl like Y/N, I'm so happy she saw me as her protector. that's one of my jobs as a husband after all. 

But that cat reminded her of herself, in what way? I want to know deeper things about her but I'm scared to do it, I don't want to open old wounds. She'll tell me when she is ready. For now, I pointed at her, the cat, and upstairs telling her to let the cat rest up there. she gave me a nod telling me she understood.

As she picked up the cat and was about to leave she stopped in her tracks which made me confused, she walked back and stood on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek a little longer than usual. Even though I'm wearing my leather muzzle I can still feel her lips' warmness and softness, which made my knees melt. 

And then she walked away, it's shocking how she was my wife. After snapping out of my thoughts it was time to go back to the basement and butcher the meat for dinner. 

Psycho's Love (Thomas Hewitt x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now