Part Seven:Freaks.

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"Location:Hawaii, nighttime."

[Tom and Maddie are getting ready for bed.]

Tom:Hey Maddie, I'm thinking about calling Sonic, to check up on him.

[Maddie is in bed.]

Maddie:No just text him, I just wanna go to sleep right now.


[Tom starts typing.]

"Location:Siberia, Nighttime."

[Sonic hears a beeping sound]

Sonic: Oh, what? Hang on one sec.

[Sonic pulls out his phone to see a text from Tom.]

"How's it goin'?"

Sonic: Donut Lord is checking in.

[Sonic starts typing, then sends it.]

Location:Mean Bean Cafe, Nighttime."

[Sonic and Tom's texts are being displayed on a screen. Robotnik, Stone and Knuckles are shown watching said screen]

Knuckles: "Just chilling. Drawing a picture of a two-tailed fox."

[Tom begins writing a reply, causing the typing bubble to appear]

Knuckles: Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot. Dot, dot, dot.

[Robotnik and Stone glance back at Knuckles for a moment before looking back at the screen]

Stone(Whispers):Doctor, why are we working with this imbecile?

Robotnik(Whispers):Because that simpleminded space trash is the key to something extraordinary.

Stone(Whispers):Something to help you get revenge on the hedgehog.

Robotnik(Whispers):Think bigger, Stone. The Emerald he seeks could power my wildest designs. My genius wouldn't just be recognized on Earth. It would spread virally to every corner of the galaxy, allowing me to harness all the negative forces of the universe and commune with darkness itself.

Stone(Whispers):Wow. That sounds big.

Robotnik(Whispers):It's been on my vision board for years. It's the law of attraction. Didn't you see "What Do You Know"?Poof. Kaplooey!


[Tom's text comes in on the screen]

Knuckles: "Another boring night at home."

[Knuckles slams the counter.]

Knuckles:The hedgehog has returned home!

Robotnik: Falsa. Which is Latin for "wrong-o."

[Robotnik hits a few keys on the counter, bringing up a hologram of Earth]

Robotnik: According to my worldwide network cell tower triangulation, he's lying, all the way... from the majestic hinterlands of eastern Siberia.

[A topographic hologram of the Siberian mountains appears, with a hologram of Sonic tapping his foot flying off of it and landing in front of Robotnik and Knuckles]

Robotnik: He's a long-distance liar!

[Robotnik hits the hologram over its head before poking and prodding at it several times]

Robotnik: Yeah, there's more where that came from.

[Knuckles slams his fist into the counter, damaging it and dispelling the hologram]

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