Chapter 6

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When Aaradhya was about to step inside


Rajalakshmi screamed seeing Aaradhya hearing her voice everyone came to the living room to see what was happening

Rajalakshmi- you low life being what are you doing here again
Aaradhya- no krishnan uncle told me to stay here until Anna comes
Sumathi - you will do whatever others say don't you have any sense why are you being a burden to everyone well how will you know to behave you don't have a mother or father to teach it

Aaradhya eyes teared hearing it and she wanted to punch her


All saw shiva standing there furiously krishnan knew Rajalakshmi will speak something unwanted so he send shiva to resolve it shiva came and stood in front of Aaradhya and wiped her tears and gave her a small smile

Shiva- don't listen her
Rajalakshmi- shiva
Shiva- now smile okay you are not a burden to anyone

With that shiva turned his attention to everyone and made Aaradhya stand behind him the smile was replaced with angry glare to Rajalakshmi who flinch a little

Shiva- listen everyone she is our guest if you treat her good you will stay here or else you can leave do you understand

Shiva saw no one nodded


Everyone nodded and shiva turned towards Aaradhya and patted her head and left the place Anjali came near Aaradhya and took her to her room Shakti followed them

Anjali- don't worry Aisha you have us okay
Aaradhya-thank you
Shakti- akka where is ra

Aaradhya widened her eyes and Shakti realised

Shakti-I mean vetri
Aaradhya- Anna went with uncle to office for job
Anjali- Aisha I have a question don't get me wrong
Aaradhya- what is it
Anjali- is vetri single

Hearing it Aaradhya was shocked and Shakti started laughing so hard

Aaradhya- I don't know Anjali
Anjali- will he like me

Aaradhya was controlling her laugh so hard and nodded

In the office

Krishnan- you will be our financial manager
Radha- but sir that's a huge position how
Krishnan- shiva will help for the starter and if you have any doubt you can ask us
Radha- thank you so much sir

With that radha left with shiva here krishnan was thinking about something radha was in shiva's cabin and he was telling her what are the works suddenly someone opened the door


Radha cringed hearing a squeaky voice and saw a girl wearing a huge amount of makeup she saw shiva close his eyes in anger the girl placed her hand on his shoulder but he pushed it away

Shiva- how many times I have told you ms lavanya don't touch me
Lavanya- oh come on shiva I know you like it
Radha- excuse me

Lavanya looked at radha and gave her a worst blushing look which made radha stab a pen in the notepad making her step back a little

Radha- ms diarrhoea
Lavanya- it's lavanya
Radha- whatever we are working so we don't want any disturb here
Lavanya- you bast
Shiva-mind your tongue before I cut it ms diarrhoea

Lavanya huffed and went outside here shiva and radha laughed hard and hi fied and started working soon it was evening and they were going home

Krishnan- so how your first day vetri
Radha- it was great sir
Krishnan- call me uncle vetri
Radha- but sir you are my boss now
Krishnan- no you are calling me uncle
Radha- ok

They reached home and immediately Anjali gave some water to radha making everyone confused except 2 people who were controlling their laugh radha smiled gently at her making Anjali blush and stood behind Kamala which made radha look at Aaradhya

Krishnan- shiva is everything ready for tomorrow
Shiva- yes mama


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