pt.8 {New Start!}

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“Felix, you can stay here under one condition.” Jisung and Felix had gone into the living room after Seungmin and Jeongin got back. Minho arrived not so long after Changbin brought Felix. Minho brought Chan with him after hearing Changbin was at their house. Felix sat on the floor in front of everyone. He felt eyes on him and it freaked him out.

“What condition, Ji?” Felix looked at Jisung and tilted his head slightly. Minho raised his brow, why was Felix calling him ‘Ji’ when they barely met? Changbin was just glad Felix was comfortable around Jisung. “You can't be afraid to talk to us. If you're feeling scared, angry, sad, or even just happy. We want to be here to help you, Lix. At least me and Hyunjin do.” Jisung smiled at Felix who was tearing up.

“Lixie, don't cry.” Changbin pouted as he walked over to his childhood friend. He engulfed him in a big hug. He knew about Felix’s other homes. They never cared for Felix like Jisung did. They didn't care about what he was feeling, they just wanted money.  When Changbin first suggested he lived here, he said no. He was so scared that they would all hate him. Of course, nobody hated him. They all wanted the best for him despite not knowing him.

“Changbin they… they don't hate me? They're not scared? Why..?” Felix sobbed into Changbin's arms. Chan felt bad for the freckled male. He had learned they had a lot more in common when Changbin told him Felix was Australian too.

“Hey, they have no reason in the world to hate you. You did absolutely nothing wrong.” Changbin told his friend as he looked at Hyunjin. Hyunjin looked extremely jealous of Changbin. He wanted to be the one to hold Felix when he cried. He wanted to be the one stroking his hair softly and whispering sweet nothings to him. He wanted to be the one for Felix.

“Felix, listen, we are in the same boat as you. You have nothing to be judged for in this house. We're all a little bit crazy and there is nothing wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with you, Felix.” Hyunjin explained as he sat down next to Felix. “R-really?” Felix sniffled as he let go of Changbin to face Hyunjin.

“I bought this house for all of us to feel cared for and safe. None of us are ever going to judge you, okay? We all care about you, trust me Felix.” Hyunjin softly spoke as he placed a gentle hand on Felix's cheek. Felix smiled and threw his arms around Hyunjin. The older boy immediately hugged him back. He felt proud of himself, and his friends were proud of him too.

“Seungmin is most likely going to either have Jeongin move into his room, or he's going to Jeongin's room. Regardless, you'll still be getting a room.” Jisung spoke with a smile as he looked at the two youngest boys. They were blushing and confused. Before Seungmin could object, Felix looked at them and spoke up. “Oh, how was your date?” Felix smirked at the new couple.

“W-what?” Jeongin stuttered as he hid his face in his hands.

“Well, while Changbin was driving I pointed out the cute couple I saw kissing at the park. Changbinnie confirmed it was you two! So, how was your date?” Felix continued to keep the same confident smile on his face. Hyunjin laughed a bit as he stared at the freckles on Felix's face. The Australian immediately noticed and covered them. They were always something he was extremely insecure about.

“Changbin! WE WEREN'T EVEN FACING THE ROAD!” Seungmin whined as he buried his face in the crook of  Jeongin’s neck. The youngest shook his head and rubbed Seungmin's back lightly. Hyunjin was still focused on Felix. He couldn't get over how heavenly he looked. He looked like he fell straight out of heaven. Hyunjin loved the way Felix's freckles scattered across his cheeks like stars in the sky.

“Felix,” Hyunjin whispered with a fond smile. The younger hummed, still slightly self conscious about his freckles. “You are really pretty. You're like an angel who fell down from heaven. And your freckles are super adorable. They're my favorite little stars ever.” Hyunjin smiled as he patted Felix's hair gently. It was at that moment that Felix knew he would make the taller male his.

“My mom used to tell me to cover them up… I always thought they were super gross and u-” He was cut off when Hyunjin placed a finger over his lips. The younger male blushed profusely as Hyunjin ran his fingers gently through Felix's hair. The two of them became dead silent as they watched their friends bicker and play games on the T.V.

A few hours passed by, Changbin and Chan went back to their apartment, and Minho and Jisung went to their room to sleep. They had confirmed that Seungmin was going to move into Jeongin’s room. Felix thanked them many times before helping Seungmin move his clothes and decorations to Jeongins room. They left the blankets and sheets in the room for Felix to sleep. The only problem was, he didn't really have clothes. His foster mother demanded he'd give them to her as she had bought them with the money she received from foster care.

“Jinnie?” Felix quietly knocked at his door. Hyunjin quickly opened his door and smiled softltly. “What is it, angel? Do you need something?” Hyunjin opened his door and allowed Felix to enter his room. The Australian looked at Hyunjin and nodded. “Well… I need some clothes… my foster mom took them, plus, they didn't fit anyways.” Felix giggled as he wrapped his arms around Hyunjins neck. The older male blushed and put his hands on Felix's hips gently.

“You can borrow my clothes for tonight then we'll go buy you some clothes tomorrow, okay?” Hyunjin was fighting the urge to kiss him on the spot. He looked so perfect in Hyunjins eyes. How can a person be perfect inside and out? It was crazy to Hyunjin. He was happy Felix felt so comfortable with him though. He let go and grabbed clothes for Felix, slightly pouting as Felix left his room.

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