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Thankfully, the next day the boys were discharged from the Hospital once it was ruled out that there were no concussions. Upon being discharged from the Hospital, the first thing that Kyle did was attempt to head over to the Tweak residence.

Ever since you'd left Hell's Pass yesterday, seeing the tears in your eyes, the heartbroken gaze... Kyle couldn't stop thinking about you, and how he could make it up to you. He really wanted to see that smile of yours again, the smile that made his heart skip and beat and feel warm fuzzies on the inside. He didn't consider that the video would've been posted, and neither that you would've seen it. Maybe it he just communicated, this whole ordeal never would've happened.

With his hands in his jacket pockets, he briskly walked to the neighborhood. He was thankful that his house was not that far away from the Tweak residence, it really did make things far more convenient. Coming up to the Tweak's house, he knocked on the door a few times, waiting for an answer.

"I've GAH-! I've got it!" A familiar Tweek's voice sounded from the other side of the door, followed by footsteps which only drew closer. The door was unlocked, and opened inward to reveal a surprised Tweek. His eyes were wide, a little surprised to see that Kyle was here. It wasn't often that Kyle stopped by the Tweak's residence. "Kyle?"

"Please, Tweek. Y/N... Is she here?" Kyle asked nervously, fidgeting with the insides of his pockets as he waited for his answer. He really wanted to speak with you in person, especially since his texts and neither his calls were being answered. You were giving him the silent treatment, and it was eating him alive.

"I-I'm sorry, dude." Tweek shook his head, his fingers twitching against the doorframe that he held open. "She really, really WHAH-! Doesn't want to see you." He shot over a look of concern in Kyle's direction, seeing that his lips formed a frown now. Tweek was a little lost on the whole scenario, he had no idea why you were pissed at Kyle, and neither was he going to pry for information. All he knew was that he's been there for you when you wept into his chest last night returning from your Hospital visit.

Kyle glanced down at Tweek's usually messy shirt, but it just looked in worse shape than before now that there were tear stains in them and parts that were baggier from being grabbed onto tightly. "Shit..." Kyle muttered to himself, realizing just all too well how badly he'd hurt you with this betrayal.

"Broflovski?" Craig's voice called out from behind the boy now, not really surprised that he was here. He shook his head softly, and took in a deep breath. "You're just going to waste your time being here. She's not going to talk to you." He put rather bluntly.

"I-I know. Look guys, I'm sorry to put this on you." Kyle quickly apologized to both Tweek and Craig, knowing they were most likely the ones to comfort and calm you down through your hurt feelings. "It never should've happened, and-!"

Craig simply interrupted the frantic boy. "I don't need to hear apologies." He then glanced over at Tweek, who gulped seeing the annoyance in his boyfriend's eyes. "I would've kicked your ass by now, believe me. But she's so hellbent on me not putting a finger on you. Otherwise I'd be the one being ignored." He shrugged, before passing his way between Kyle and Tweek, entering the Tweak residence.

"S-see you later, Kyle." Tweek spoke in a low tone, before taking a step back and closing the front door.

Kyle stressfully ran a hand against the side of his neck, before heading back over to his house which was across the street, not too far away. Before he'd even really thought about it, the next thing he realized he was doing, was grabbing his car keys and heading over to his car. He needed to distract himself, to get his mind off of things. Maybe he needed advice, a step in the right direction?

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South Parkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن